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Referências encontradas : 21 [refinar]
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 Pinheiro, Sergio Luiz et al. Efeito do laser de baixa potência na dor após a montagem do aparelho ortodôntico. Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent., Dez 2015, vol.69, no.4, p.421-425. ISSN 0004-5276

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 Machado, Cristhiany Martins Lopes et al. Analysis of active chlorine releasing and pH of sodium hypochlorite solutions used in Endodontics. RSBO (Online), Sept 2014, vol.11, no.3, p.252-259. ISSN 1984-5685
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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 Fernandes, Luiz Henrique Teixeira et al. In vitro study of solubilization ability of bovine pulp tissue using different irrigating solutions. RSBO (Online), Dec 2013, vol.10, no.4, p.150-155. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Pelegrine, Rina Andréa et al. Persistent infection in root-filled tooth: an SEM morphological analysis after apical microsurgery. RSBO (Online), Dec 2012, vol.9, no.4, p.463-467. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Schwerz, Luana et al. Comparison of the effectiveness of the protaper system versus hand instrumentation in endodontic retreatment: a scanning electron microscopy study. RSBO (Online), Dec 2012, vol.9, no.4, p.368-374. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Silveira, Cláudia Fernandes de Magalhães et al. The importance of microsonics concept for optimization of endodontic retreatment outcome: a case report. RSBO (Online), Sept 2012, vol.9, no.3, p.345-350. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Davini, Felipe et al. Radix entomolaris - A case report. RSBO (Online), Sept 2012, vol.9, no.3, p.340-344. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Pais, Andressa Salles Gonçalves et al. Location of three canals in the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar. RSBO (Online), Sept 2012, vol.9, no.3, p.322-327. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Pinheiro, Sérgio Luiz et al. Analysis of the instrumentation time and cleaning between manual and rotary techniques in deciduous molars. RSBO (Online), Sept 2012, vol.9, no.3, p.238-244. ISSN 1984-5685
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 Fontana, Carlos Eduardo et al. Surgical approach and the use of cryotherapy in a keratocystic odontogenic tumor after 12 months of decompression. RSBO (Online), June 2012, vol.9, no.2, p.213-217. ISSN 1984-5685
    · resumo em inglês    · texto em inglês

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