ISSN 0004-5276 printed version
on-line version



Scope and policy


1.a. Original manuscripts must be submitted to

1.b. The manuscripts must be unpublished. They must not have been published or have been submitted to other journals, whether Brazilian or international.

1.c. Once submitted, the APCD Journal owns the copyright and can allow or disallow publication in whole or in part, in any medium of communication, safeguarding disclosure of its authorship. Hence, a document transferring copyright signed by each of the authors, a model of which is reproduced below, must be included:

Copyright Transfer

I (we), author(s) of the article entitled [title of work], which I submit I (we) submit for appreciation by the APCD Journal, hereby agree that the copyright for the paper concerned becomes the sole property of APCD Journal as of the date of its submission, any form of reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form or means of disclosure of any nature, being prohibited without the prior and necessary authorization sought and obtained from the APCD Journal.
In the case of non-acceptance for publication, this copyright transfer will be automatically revoked upon the return of the paper concerned by the APCD Journal, upon receipt by the author of the specific document for this purpose. [Date / signature(s)]

1.d. The APCD Journal reserves the right to adjust the text and figures received for the purposes of clarity and quality.

1.e. The concepts and the statements contained in the originals are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the APCD, represented through its editorial board and the committee of evaluators.


Articles must be in Arial font, or similar, size 12, double-spaced, with numbered A4 pages with 2.5 cm margins.

2.a. Categories of original work, mandatory constituent elements, order of presentation, and limits:

Original article - title; abstract; descriptors; clinical relevance; introduction; materials and methods; results; discussion; conclusion,; clinical application; acknowledgements (if any), references; captions; title, abstract and descriptors in English. Limits: 20 pages of text, 2 tables, and 16 figures.

Clinical case report(s) - Title; abstract; descriptors; clinical relevance; introduction, clinical case report(s); discussion; conclusion; clinical application; acknowledgements (if any); references; captions; title, abstract and descriptors in English. Limits: 10 text pages, 2 tables, and 16 figures.

Advising patients - title; questions and answers covering aspects of major relevance for laypersons, using easy to understand language. Bibliographical references not required. Limits: 2 pages of text and 2 figures in TIFF or JPEG format, 300 DPI, with at least one figure.

Letter to the Editor - A space exclusively for the publication of opinions by readers of the APCD Journal about its journalistic and scientific content. You must specify your profession and area of expertise; criticism, especially directed to articles, must have a scientific basis and mention the title of the work referred to. Limits: maximum 900 characters (100 for the title and 800 for the text).

2.b. Text

2.b.1. Cover page: The cover page must contain the title; full name, title and academic affiliation of the authors; full address and telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail for contact with the corresponding author; specification of the category under which the documents are to be evaluated; specification of the area (or associated areas) focused on by the work (e.g., Orthodontics, Periodontics / Dentistry).

2.b.2.Title:maximum of 100 characters.

2.b.3. Abstract: maximum of 250 words. Must follow this sequence: Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion.

2.b.4.Clinical Relevance: concise (2-4 lines of text) description of the clinical relevance of the work presented.

2.b.5.Descriptors: maximum of five. To choose indexed descriptors, consult Descriptors in Health Sciences, published by Bireme

2.b.6.Abstract, title and descriptors in English: must follow the same rules for the items in Portuguese. The authors should seek professional linguistic consultants (reviewers and / or certified translators in the English language) to correct these items.

2.b.7. Introduction: must be presented in succinct form (one to two pages of text), clearly focusing on the topic studied in the research and current knowledge relevant to the subject. The objective must be presented at the end of this section.

2.b.8. Materials and Methods: Identify the methods, procedures, materials and equipment (in parentheses, state the manufacturer's name, city, state and country of manufacture) and in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to replicate the experiment. Indicate the statistical methods used. Identify precisely all the drugs and chemicals used, including generic names, dose and form of administration and cite in the article the approval number from the Ethics in Research Committee (ERC).

2.b.9. Results: must be presented in a logical sequence in the text with minimal discussion, accompanied by appropriate tables. Report the results of statistical analysis. Do not use references in this section.

2.b.10. Discussion: must explain and interpret the data obtained, linking them to existing knowledge and that obtained in other relevant studies. Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions derived. Do not repeat in detail data already mentioned in the Introduction or Results sections. Include the implications for future research.

2.b.11. Conclusion: must be pertinent to the objectives proposed and justified by the results achieved. The paper's hypothesis must be answered.

2.b.12. Clinical Application: should contain information on where the paper can help in clinical practice, with two or three conclusions for clinical application; must be different from the information provided in the item Clinical Relevance.

2.b.13. Acknowledgements: Specify financial aid, citing the name of the supporting organization and procedural number (e.g.: This study was funded by FAPESP, 04/07582-1). Mention if the article was part of Master's Dissertation or Thesis (e.g.: Based on a thesis submitted to the Faculty of Dentistry in Piracicaba - UNICAMP, as part of the requirements for obtaining the title of Doctor of Clinical Dentistry, Dentistry area) . People who have contributed significantly to the study can be mentioned.

2.b.14.References: maximum of 30.  The accuracy of the bibliographical references is the responsibility of the authors. IMPORTANT: The use of current references is crucial to the acceptance of the work. The references must be numbered according to the order of mention and overwritten in the text. Your presentation must follow the Vancouver style, according to the guidelines provided on the website of the National Library of Medicine:

In publications with seven or more authors, mention the first six, and then the Latin phrase et al. Avoid mentioning personal communications, work in progress and unpublished work.



Fejerskov O, Kidd E. Dental caries: disease and its clinical treatment. 1st. ed. So Paulo: Santos; 2005.

Book Chapter

Papapanou PN. Epidemiology and natural history of periodontal disease. In: Lang NP, Karring T. Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Periodontology. 1st ed. London: Quintessence, 1994:23-41.London: Quintessence, 1994:23-41.

Periodical article

IIwata T, Yamato M, Zhang Z, Mukobata S, Washio K, Ando T, Feijen J, Okano T, Ishikawa I. Validation of human periodontal ligament-derived cells as a reliable source for cytotherapeutic use. J Clin Periodontol 2010; 37(12):1088-99.J Clin Periodontol 2010; 37 (12): 1088-99.

Dissertations and Theses

Antoniazzi JH. In vitro analysis of antimicrobial activity in some instrumentation auxiliary substances in chemical-mechanical preparation of root canals in human teeth [Doctorate thesis]. Ribeirao Preto: Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Pharmacy and Dentistry, 1968.

Digital Consultations

Tong, Josie (2002), "Citation Style Guides for Internet and Electronic Sources." Page accessed on November 10, 2010,

2.c. Tables

Must be at the end of the text or in the form of figures in the proper resolution. A caption must accompany the table.

2.d. Figures - general rules

Illustrations (photographs, graphs, drawings, charts, etc.) will be considered in the text as figures and must be cited in the text. The figures must be of good technical and artistic quality to enable proper reproduction. Only digital images that are a minimum resolution of 300 DPI in TIFF format, 6 cm tall and 8 cm wide, are accepted. We do not accept photographs embedded in the text file. Photographic images that are out of focus, too bright, too dark, or with any other problem that makes it difficult to visualize the subject of interest or reproduction will not be accepted. The maximum limits presented for images may be exceeded in special cases provided that the additional images are necessary to understanding the subject, as long as the authors assume any costs due to the inclusion of these images.


3.a. Studies performed in vivo or involving the use of biological materials must be in accordance with Resolution 196/96 of Brazil's National Health Council and its complements, and be accompanied by approval of the Research in Ethics Committee (REC) at the establishment where they were performed.

3.b.In the presentation of images and text the use of patients' initials, names and registration numbers must be avoided. Patients cannot be identified or be recognizable in photographs. The consent of the patient regarding the use of his image and dental documentation is required and must refer specifically to the APCD Journal.

3.c. Figures and Tables previously published in other journals or books must contain the respective references and written consent from the author and the publishers.


4.a. Control of compliance with the rules published by the department.

4.b. Evaluation of the original work by the editorial board for compatibility with the editorial line of the journal.

4.c. The scientific content of the original work is reviewed by at least two members of the ad hoc Editorial Board according to the criteria: originality, clinical and / or scientific relevance, methodology and impartiality in analysis of the results. The evaluation committee issues an opinion on the paper, with one of four possible ratings: "unfavorable", "subject to minor modifications", "subject to major modifications," or "favorable".

4.d. The original papers evaluated as "unfavorable" are returned to the authors, revoking the transfer of copyright. The original work evaluated as "subject to modification" is sent to the authors so that the appropriate changes can be made and subsequently reassessed by the ad hoc reviewers.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The APCD Magazine publishes original articles in the following categories: original articles; clinical case reports; reviews of literature (only for authors invited by the editorial board); special journalistic material (cover stories); information about the Centers of Excellence ('Excellence in Dentistry'), and general information for patients ('Advising patients').Subject to the categories presented herein, original work must comply with the journal's editorial line focused on clinicians and specialists, offering an integrated clinical vision of dentistry. The APCD Magazine accepts articles from Brazilian and international authors, provided they are in English or Portuguese.

Every article submitted is reviewed by the editorial board and it is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or otherwise of each item.

The concepts and the statements contained in the originals are the sole responsibility of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect the views of the APCD, represented by its editorial board and the committee of evaluators. Total or partial reproduction will only be allowed with the permission of the publishers.

Submission of manuscripts

Articles should be submitted to


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Copyright © Associacão Paulista de Cirurgiões-Dentistas

Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 547, Santana
02011-000 São Paulo, SP - Brasil
Tel.: 2223-2308
Fax: 2221-3612