ISSN 1413-4012 printed version



Scope and Policy

The manuscripts submitted to publication must be followed by a signed communication from all authors, declaring the publication is original; that they have not submitted the manuscript for publication elsewhere; that the work was done with no personal, organization or sponsored interest of any kind; that the work was conducted following ethical and legal principles. It must also state full approval and responsability for the contents and preparation of the manuscript. All manuscripts should contain the corresponding address, phone number(s) and e-mail of all authors, including their specialty. In case of more than one author, it should be indicated the corresponding author, preferably the senior investigator.

The concepts and information published in the RFO UPF papers are the sole responsibility of the author(s), therefore, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the Editorial and Scientific Board of the Journal.

All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Thereafter the authors are notified by the editor, in case of acceptance, need of modifications and reviews, or rejection of the manuscripts. Any changes to the manuscript format, style and text interpretation will only take place after previous consultation and approval of the author(s).

Copyright of published papers will be transferred to RFO UPF, being allowed, however, the reproduction as a transcription and proper citation of source. Upon acceptance, and before the publication of the paper, the author(s) must transfer the copyrights to the RFO UPF.
e. Paper proofing is responsibility of the authors.

All material submitted for publication will not be returned to the authors, except when formally requested by the author(s).

Two printed issues of the Journal will be given to the author of the published paper, additional requests will be charged.

Final recommendation on the acceptance/rejection of a manuscript is the editor's decision based on the reviewer's comments. Rejected manuscripts will be returned to the author(s), accompanied by a justification letter.


Forms and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscripts submitted to RFO UPF should be written in Portuguese or in English, according to the Uniform Requeirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, known as Vancouver style, version published in October 2005, prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and based on the ANSI standards, adopted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The manuscript (including tables, charts and diagrams) should be submitted in three (3) printed copies, followed by a digital copy (identical to the printed copy and using Word for windows for the text and .TIF or .JPG foe image files). Two out of the three copies should have no authorship identification. It is recommended that the authors keep a copy of the submitted material. The manuscript shoud be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, A4 paper, with double-spacing and all margins in 3 cm. A maximum of 15 pages, including tables, charts, diagrams, illustrations and figure legends will be accepted. The pages must be numbered sequentially in the right upper corner, starting from the cover page. The title of the manuscript (in Portuguese and in English), as well as their subheading must be printed in bold. Words and abbreviations that are not in the language of the manuscript must be written in italics (e.g. in vitro). Units, symbols and abbreviations must comply with international standards, or, when there are none of them, the national standards. The digital midia must be given in computer programs of editing such as Microsoft Word for Windows or Write (IBM text editors compatibles). Any manuscript involving human beings or any human tissue, as well as clinical records or results from clinical tests, must be in accordance with the 196/96 Resolution of the National Health Council and its complements, and should present the approval of the local Ethics Committee in Research. Names and initials of patients must not be used in any illustration or medical records. Experiments using animals or any animal tissue must followed the guidelines of the Institution of the National Councils of Research about the use and care of the laboratory animals and present the approval of the local Ethics Committee in Research using animals.

Manuscript instructions
a) Cover page:

  • Manuscript title in both languages (Portuguese and English) must be concise but informative, to a maximum of 40 characters;
  • Full name(s) of author(s) (maximum of 6) using capital letters for the last surname, followed by each author highest academic degree and institution affiliation (when there is a connection), department, city, state and country;
  • name of department(s) or institution(s) in which the paper should be assigned
  • name and address of the corresponding author.

b) Abstract and key words (in both languages: Portuguese and English)
The abstract should be a concise description of the main content, on a separate page. It must be presented in a single paragraph containing the objective of the study, basic procedures (sample selection, analytical method), main findings (specific data and their statistical significance) and the main conclusions, emphasizing new and important aspects of the study. It should not exceed 200 words under the following headings: objective, methods, results and conclusion (for scientific research); aim, case report and final considerations (for case reports); and aim, literature review and final considerations (for literature review). Right after the abstract, provide a list of keywords or expressions (maximum 5) to identifythe contents of the article, quoted in small letters, separated by commas. Use the "Descriptors in Health Sciences- DeCS", made by Bireme ( to determine the key words.

c) Text
o In the case of scientific research, the text itself should contain the following chapters: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion and acknowledgments (if any).
In the case of systematic reviews and clinical case reports, there may be flexibility in the designation of these chapters.

  • Introduction: setting the aim of the article and state the reasons for conducting the study. Quoting only strictly pertinent references and do not include data or conclusions from work being reported. The hypothesis or aim should be concisely presented at the end of this section. Extensive review of the literature should be avoided and replaced by references to the most recent bibliographic, in which certain aspects and reviews have been submitted.
  • Materials and Methods: identify materials, equipment (in parentheses give the manufacturer's name, city, state and country of manufacture) and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods; describe new or substantially modified methods, give reasons for using them and evaluate their limitations. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dosage and route(s) of administration.
  • Results: should be presented in logical sequence in the text, tables, and illustrations with a minimum of discussion or personal interpretation. Data in graphs and tables should not be duplicated. There should not be repetition in text all the information in the tables and illustrations (emphasize or summarize important information).
  • Discussion: should be restricted to the meaning of the data obtained, avoiding assumptions not based on the results, and relate them to existing knowledge and those obtained in other relevant studies. Emphasize new and important aspects of the study, indicating the implications of the findings and their limitations. Do not repeat in detail the results already mentioned in the introduction or conclusions sections. Include implications for future research.
  • Conclusion: must be linked to the aims proposed and justified on the data obtained. The hypothesis of the study must be answered. You should avoid citing the conclusions in the form of topics.
    o Acknowledgements: mention technical, financial and intellectual help, who by chance may have contributed to the implementation of the study.
    o Examples of quotation: they might be organized in numerical order in the overwritten way, are indicated. Sequence numbers must be separated by a hyphen; random numbers must be separated by commas. Avoid mentioning the names of authors and year of publication. It is only allowed to quote the names of authors (followed by index number and year of publication of the paper) when necessary for reasons of emphasis.

Examples of citation of references in the text:

- "... it is manifested as a constant pain, although the intensity variable 3."
- "Among the possible causes of the condition are factors cited psychogenic, hormonal, local irritants, vitamin deficiency, drugs and xerostomia1-4,6,9,15.
- 1 Author: Field 4 (1995 )...;
- 2 authors: Feinmann and Peatfield 5 (1995 )...;
- more than two authors: Sonis et al. 8 (1995 )...;

e) References
The references in the text should be ordered consecutively in the order they were listed, numbered and normalized according to the Vancouver style, according to guidelines provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (http:/ / The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the "List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus" ( and printed in bold, italics or underscored and the same presentation in all references should be used.

The author's last name should be followed by their first names abbreviated without periods or commas. Use only the comma between the names of different authors. The reference list must be typed double-spaced at the end of the article in numerical sequence. Quote MAXIMUM 30 references, except for articles of Systematic Reviews.
In publications with up to six authors, all should be quoted; in publications with seven or more authors, quote the first six and then the Latin phrase "et al.. " Include year, issue number (fascicle) and article pages after the title of the journal. The citation of personal communications should be avoided, work in progress and unpublished work, if strictly necessary its citation it should not be included in the reference list, but quoted in footnotes. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors. The style and punctuation of references follow the format below.

Observe that the abbreviations for journal titles are cited without a point and there are no spaces between the year, volume and pages.

Netter FH. Atlas de anatomia humana. 2. ed. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas Sul; 2000.

Book in eletronic format:
Wothersponn AC, Falzon MR, Isaacson PG. Fractures: adults and old people [monograph on CD-ROM]. 4. ed. New York: Lippincott- Raven; 1998.
Ueki N, Higashino K, Ortiz-Hidalgo CM. Histopathology [monograph online]. Houston: Addison Books; 1998. [cited Jan 27]. Available from: URL:

Chapter in a book:
Estrela C, Bammann LL. Medicação intracanal. In: Estrela C, Figueiredo JAP. Endodontia. Princípios biológicos e mecânicos. 2. ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 1999. p. 571-653.

Chapter in a book in eletronic format:
Chandler RW. Principles of internal fixation. In: Wong DS, Fuller LM. Prosthesis [monograph on CD-ROM]. 5. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1999.
Tichemor WS. Persistent sinusitis after surgery. In: Tichenor WS. Sinusitis: treatment plan that works for asthma and allergies too [monograph online]. New York: Health On the Net Foundation; 1996. [cited 1999 May 27]. Available from: URL:

Editor(s) or compiler(s) as author(s) of books:
Avery JK, editor. Oral development and histology. 2. ed. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers; 1994.

Organization or society as author(s) of books:
American Dental Association and American Academy of Periodontology. Introduce dentist to new time saving periodontal evaluation system. Washington: The Institute; 1992.

Journal Article:
Barroso LS, Habitante SM, Silva FSP. Estudo comparativo do aumento a permeabilidade dentinária radicular quando da utilização do hipoclorito de sódio. J Bras Endod 2002; 11(3):324-30.
McWhinney S, Brown ER, Malcolm J, VillaNueva C, Groves BM, Quaife RA, et al. Identification of risk factors for increased cost, charges, and length of stay for cardiac patients. Ann Thorac Surg 2000;70(3):702-10.

Journal Article in eletronic format
Nerallah LJ. Correção de fístulas pela técnica de bipartição vesical. Urologia On line [periódico online] 1998 [citado 1998 Dez 8];5(4):[telas]. Disponível em URL:
Chagas JCM, Szejnfeld VL, Jorgetti V, Carvalho AB, Puerta EB. A densitometria e a biópsia óssea em pacientes adolescentes. Rev Bras Ortop [periódico em CD-ROM] 1998; 33(2).

No author given:
Ethics of life and death. World Med J 2000; 46:65-74.
Organization or society as author(s) of books:World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79:373-4.

Issue with suplement:
Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994;102 Suppl 1:275-82.

Fascicle without issue indication:
Graf R. Hip sonography: how reliable? Dynamic versus static examination. Clin Orthop 1992; (218):18-21.

Without volume ou fascicle:
Brown WV. The benefit of aggressive lipid lowering. J Clin Practice 2000:344-57.

Clement J, de Bock R. Hematological complications [abstract]. Quintessence Int 1999; 46:1277. Errata:
White P. Doctors and nurses. Let's celebrate the difference between doctors and nurses. [published erratum in Br Med J 2000;321(7264):835]. Br Med J 2000; 321(7262):698.

Articled quoted by other authors - apud (should be avoided):
O'Reilly M, Yanniello GJ. Mandibular growth changes and maturation of cervical vertebrae. A longitudinal cephalometric study (1988) apud Mito T, Sato K, Mitani H. Predicting mandibular growth potential with cervical vertebral bone age. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2003; 124(2):173-7.

Dissertations and Thesis:
Araújo TSS. Estudo comparativo entre dois métodos de estimative da maturação óssea [Dissertação de Mestrado]. Piracicaba: Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba da Unicamp; 2001.

Dissertations and ThesisIn eletronic format:
Ballester RY. Efeito de tratamentos térmicos sobre a morfologia das partículas de pó e curvas de resistência ao CREEP em função do conteúdo de mercúrio, em quatro ligas comerciais para amálgama [Tese em CD-ROM]. São Paulo: Faculdade de Odontologia da USP; 1993.

Conference, meeting, congress, proceedings:
Cericato GO, Cechinato F, Moro G, Woitchunas FE, Cechetti D, Damian MF. Validade do método das vértebras cervicais para a determinação do surto de Crescimento Puberal. In: 22ª Reunião Annual da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica: 2005; Águas de Lindóia. Anais. Brazilian Oral Research; 2005. p.63

Conference, meeting, congress, proceedings in eletronic format:
Gomes SLR. Novos modos de conhecer: os recursos da Internet para uso das Bibliotecas Universitárias [CD-ROM]. In: 10º Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias; 1998 Out 25-30; Fortaleza. Anais. Fortaleza: Tec Treina; 1998.
Barata RB. Epidemiologia no século XXI: perspectivas para o Brasil. In: 4º Congresso Brasileiro de Epidemiologia [online]; 1998 Ago 1-5; Rio de Janeiro. Anais eletrônicos. Rio de Janeiro: ABRASCO; 1998 [citado 1999 Jan 17]. Disponível em URL:

Legal documents:
Brasil. Portaria n. 110, de 10 de março de 1997. Diário Oficial da República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, 18 mar 1997, seção 1, p. 5332.

f) tables, charts, diagrams and charts
They must be submitted on separate pages at the end of the article, double-spaced, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. In tables, do not use vertical lines, bold capital letters (except for initials). The captions of tables and charts should be placed on top of them and when appropriate, include below a list of symbols, abbreviations and other information that may facilitate their interpretation. The captions of diagrams and charts should be placed at the bottom of them. All tables and all tables, diagrams and charts, without exception, should be cited in the text. Note: Graphics should be considered as "figures" and be included in the numerical sequence along with the images.

g) images (photographs, radiographs and photomicrographs)
The images, as well as the text must be submitted in 3 (three) sets, in black and white photo paper. Only figures in BLACK AND WHITE are published. Do not send color pictures or slides. They will not be accepted out of focus, embedded in files originated in text editors such as Word and Power Point, printed on non photographic paper , or under any other type of home or professional printing. Digital images should be created in Photoshop or other software exclusively for images editing (extension of image files must be TIF or JPG format with minimum resolution of 300 dpi). Digital images will not be accepted artificially "increased" in computer programs for image editing. All images, without exception, should be cited in the text. Captions for all images must be DOUBLE-SPACED, numbered with Arabic numerals on a separate page, which can be grouped on the same page.

Photomicrographs should show the appropriate scale. Letters and identifying marks should be clearly defined.
Critical areas of radiographs and photomicrographs should be isolated and / or demarcated. Separate parts of the same picture should be labeled A, B, C, etc.. Single pictures and groups of pictures must not exceed, respectively, 8 cm and 16 cm in width. They might be subject to a maximum of eight images, provided they are necessary for understanding the subject. Illustrations must be submitted in an envelope and marked on the back of each picture, with their numbers (in the order they appear in the text), the title and indication of its correct position. Do not write the names of the authors in the figures.


Sending manuscripts

Checklist of the material to be sent

  • Cover letter;
  • Copyright Transfer and statement of responsibility signed by all authors;
  • Phone numbers and emails of all authors;
  • Copy of opinion from the Ethics Committee when the work is a scientific research;
  • Copy of the consent form and informed when the paper is clinical case report;
  • A document containing the identification of authors;
  • Two copies without any identification of authors;
  • CD-ROM (s) file(s) in Word (article), Excel (graphs) and / or Photoshop (figures).

Original manuscripts should be sent to Faculty of Dentistry, University of Passo Fundo (UPF), campus I - BR 285- Bairro São José; CEP 99001-970; Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil. Manuscripts can be also sent by e-mail (


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São José, Passo Fundo - RS
Tel./Fax: +55 (54) 3316-8402