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RSBO (Online)

versão On-line ISSN 1984-5685

RSBO (Online) vol.9 no.4 Joinville Out./Dez. 2012





RSBO, in its fourth and last issue of 2012, reaches its sixth edition completely in English, ending its volume 9. For now, we will be keeping the politics to fund the English version of the papers in Portuguese and the revision of the papers in English, still searching for an international consolidation of the journal, which at every issue becomes more evident. In this issue, we have 10 original research articles comprising the traditional areas of Dentistry as well as Social and Human areas, computer technology and drug therapy; four literature review articles on Periodontics and Endodontics, three clinical case reports and a brief report on pulp therapy of primary teeth.

In 2013, when we will begin the issue number 10 and will be continuously focusing on the maintenance of the quality and the search for growing both in the number of indexation databases and in the criteria for selection of the best papers. This year is closed with a number of published papers higher than 60. Consequently, we will keep our efforts to increase the number of articles published per issue, targeting in the near future maybe to become a bimonthly journal.

Another year comes to an end, and RSBO team wishes everyone a Merry Christmas filled with peace and happiness and a Happy New Year full of health, achievements and accomplishments.


Flares Baratto-Filho, MS, PhD
Fabricio Scaini, MS
Luiz Carlos Machado Miguel, MS, PhD
RSBO Editors