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Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas

 ISSN 0004-5276

BONATO, Letícia Ladeira; FERREIRA, Luciano Ambrosio; LOPES, Raphaela de Mello    GUIMARAES, Josemar Parreira. Relationship between otological symptoms and tmd in pacient with fibromyalgia: case report. []. , 66, 3, pp. 206-211. ISSN 0004-5276.

For the correct conduct of a treatment of TMD is important that the dentist has knowledge about diseases related about diffuse painful picture, such as ear pain and fibromyalgia, to be able to formulate a differential diagnosis and establish the appropriate therapeutic approach. This article reports a case of a patient 42 years old, with fibromyalgia, who sought the ATM Service (FO/UFJF) complaining of severe dizziness, ear pain and tinnitus associated with orofacial pain. The diagnosis was suggestive of temporomandibular disorders associated with fibromyalgia, and related factors such as parafunctional habits (bruxism, clenching and improper postural habits), emotional stress, anxiety and depression. Therapeutic proposal adopted was based on the dental treatment with use of the support plate neuromiorrelaxante and drug therapy that provide compensation if reduction and stability of symptoms, even after six months of follow-up.

: temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome; fibromyalgia; earache; therapeutics.

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