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Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas

 ISSN 0004-5276

LIMA NETO, João Moreira de et al. Remuneration of three dental plans from the city of Maceio-Al in comparison to the table VRPO-CFO. []. , 70, 3, pp. 277-281. ISSN 0004-5276.

Objective: To investigate whether the overall average amount of remuneration offered by three dental plans from the city of Maceió-AL have a discrepancy, consistency or goodwill in relation to the established VRPO-CFO table. Materials and Methods: three dental plans from the city of Maceió- AL were used, believing that these are the most demanded by professionals, for a comparison between their service categories and VRPO table, therefore calculating their increasement percentage value or lag. Results: We notice that in all service categories, the plan that best remunerated was plan A, having the categories Prevention, Endodontics, Radiology and Dentistry the lowest percentage of lag, namely 22%, 26%, 30% and 40% respectively, the other categories had an index above 50%. The dental plan that pays worse, according to this research, was plan C, with an overall discrepancy average of 65%. Having the Diagnosis service category with the largest lag (83%). Conclusion: We conclude that the remuneration for dental procedures, involving all specialties offered by dental plans in Maceió (AL) to dentists, are lower than the ones determined on the VRPO-CFO table.

: Fee Schedules; Remuneration; Reference Values..

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