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Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas

  ISSN 0004-5276

AMBROSIO, Lucas Macedo Batitucci et al. Sjogren's syndrome's relevant aspects for the dental surgeon. Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent. []. 2016, 70, 3, pp. 285-289. ISSN 0004-5276.

Sjogren's syndrome (SS), known as the sicca syndrome, is an autoimmune disease characterized by salivary and lacrimal glands hypofunction which prevalence in the world population is approximately around 0,5% to 1%. For being a complex autoimmune disease and with difficult diagnosis, it is sub diagnosed and miss treated according to the consensus occurred in 2012 by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR). The surgeon-dentist (SD) may play a important role on the detection of possible changes compatible to the syndrome, besides can help in the treatment of many oral pathologies caused by the syndrome. This work has the main purpose to explain the important aspects regards to the correct diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome. The SS besides been considered a slow evolution disease, in advanced stages it can be fatal, mainly for increasing the patient's chances of developing non-Hodking lymphoma. The dental treatment of patients with SS must be prophylactic, with the recomedations of the use of salivary replenishing and careful control of the oral hyigiene.

: sjogren's syndrome; xerostomia; xerophthalmia; periodontitis..

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