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Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas

  ISSN 0004-5276

BERWANGER, Carolina et al. Diastema closure with direct composite restorations - a case report. Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent. []. 2016, 70, 3, pp. 317-322. ISSN 0004-5276.

After the evolution of restorative adhesive materials and minimal invasive restorations, it is possible to close a maxilar interincisal diastema in an effective and aesthetical way, performing it in only one session. This clinical case report approaches a teeth bleaching and diastema closure with composites between teeth 11 and 21, of a young male patient. The elective restorative technique was direct composite restoration with a silicon putty matrix to make the shape of the lingual surfaces of the restorations. Before the restoration procedure, it was performed in office" bleaching technique, in addition to the case planning with the assistance of a wax-up. The tooth whitening therapy followed by direct composite restorations was effective, contributing to clinical success, esthetic and patient´s satisfaction.

: diastema; composite resins; tooth bleaching..

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