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Revista da Associacao Paulista de Cirurgioes Dentistas

 ISSN 0004-5276

CASTRO, Myrella Lessio; TREVISAN, Glauce Lunardelli    TABA JUNIOR, Mário. The current status and advances in the diagnosis of periodontal disease and dental caries. []. , 70, 4, pp. 358-362. ISSN 0004-5276.

The diagnosis of the clinical conditions of the stomatognathic system is based on two main principles: I) the clinical examination which consists of the physical examination and a careful medical history evaluation and II) the use of complementary examinations to diagnosis (laboratory, imaging, etc.). The rapid scientific and technological advances of recent years have produced the development of new methods and have made others more accessible to the population. In this context, the dentist has available numerous tests that help decision making in clinical practice, such as examinations for bi and tri-dimensional images, biochemical tests (blood, saliva or urine) and molecular tests (immunoassay tests to quantitate antigens and antibodies or quantification of bacterial DNA). Thus, this review of the literature on the diagnosis of periodontal disease and dental caries aims to present a discussion on the topic, the recent advances and perspectives of the benefit to the population with regarding to predict, to treat and to prevent diseases.

: diseases; dental caries; diagnosis..

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