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Revista Brasileira de Odontologia

  ISSN 1984-3747  ISSN 0034-7272

COSTA, Roniery de Oliveira et al. Epworth sleepiness scale detects symptoms of sleep apnea in faculty of Dentistry. Rev. Bras. Odontol. []. 2012, 69, 2, pp. 228-231. ISSN 1984-3747.

The aim of this article was to correlate the Epworth sleepiness scale with symptoms of sleep apnea in the course of Odontology of a public University in the state of Paraiba. It was conducted a cross sectional study using two questionnaires to practicing professors. The sample was composed of 45 professors. We evaluated the following variables: sex, snoring, excessive tiredness, stop breathing and restless sleep. Despite the Epworth Sleepiness Scale did not provide a statistically significant relationship with the variables of the research, there is a considerable percentage of professors with excessive sleepiness, probably resulting from overloading professional. Therefore, we propose new studies to prove the results.

: sleep apnea syndrome; disorders of excessive somnolence; snoring; faculty of Odontology..

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