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RPG. Revista de Pós-Graduação
versão impressa ISSN 0104-5695
SIMOES, CINTHIA COELHO; SOUZA, DELANO OLIVEIRA e CAMPOS, PAULO SÉRGIO FLORES. Pathological fracture of the mandible associated with brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism. RPG, Rev. pós-grad. [online]. 2010, vol.17, n.1, pp. 42-45. ISSN 0104-5695.
Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a complication found in the chronic renal failure; a late manifestation of this condition is called Brown Tumor which is a bone lesion with benign characteristics, which is caused by excessive secretion of parathormone. The correction of HPT drives through a significant regression of the brown tumor, with complete desappearance, making surgical treatment unnecessary. However, when metabolic control is not performed, brown tumor expansion can make pathological fractures come over, with is observed, also, in maxillary, compromising aesthetic and functionally the stomatognathic system of the patient. On this paper, a clinical case of pathological fracture of the mandible in a patient with brown tumor due to HPT secondary to chronic renal failure is related.
Palavras-chave : Pathology oral.; Hyperparathyroidism.; Mandible..