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  ISSN 1413-4012

GIRARDI, Gaspar Vinicius; HARTMANN, Mateus Silveira Martins; VANNI, José Roberto    FORNARI, Volmir João. Influence of the cutting angle in root apical microleakage, comparing two techniques of apicectomy in paraendodontic surgery. RFO UPF []. 2012, 17, 1, pp. 60-66. ISSN 1413-4012.

Introduction: Apicectomy is a modality of paraendodontic surgery which consists of sectioning the root apical portion. It is done when there is no regression of the apical lesion after all endodontic therapeutic options have been tried, in an attempt of eliminating apical microorganisms as well as their toxic products. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of the root cutting angle in apicetomy, regarding apical microleakage, by comparing techniques of root apex cutting in 90o and 45o. Methods: Twenty upper central incisors were instrumented and filled, being randomly divided into two groups. In Group A, a section was performed in a 90o angle in the apical region and in Group B in 45o. For All groups, retrocavity with ultrasound and retrofilling with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) were performed. Results: Data obtained through the linear leakage measure of the stain were submitted to Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Lavene's tests, which showed normal distribution and homogeneity (p>0.05). Inferential analysis was conducted, by verifying the differences between the means of the groups with Anova. There was no significant statistical difference (p=0.344) between the groups. Conclusion: The root cutting angle did not influence microleakage since both cuts evaluated showed apical leakage.

: Tooth apex; Surgery; Dentistry Endodontics.

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