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  ISSN 1413-4012

MONTEIRO, José Elvys de Souza et al. Knowledge of the Physical Education students on tooth avulsion and replantation. RFO UPF []. 2012, 17, 2, pp. 131-136. ISSN 1413-4012.

Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of State Universi- ty of Paraíba,s (UEPB) Physical Education students about the avulsion and tooth replantation. Methods: eighty ei- ghth students participated in the survey and answered a questionnaire with 12 objective questions concerning the experience and the conduct in cases of avulsion and tooth replantations. The data were used based on a descriptive statistics (SPSS v. 13.0). Results: most of the academics who were surveyed (95.5%) received no Information on the subject at graduation, nor had experience (94.3%) on the topic. About the respondents, attitude when facing cases of tooth avulsion, most academics would give a kerchief/towel to be bitting by the victim and control bleeding (37.5%) and would look for a Dental Surgeon (43.2%) immediately (80.7%). In cases in which it would be performed the reimplantand the tooth was dirty, the most frequent answer was wa- shing tooth (36.4%) with physiological serum (48.9%). The most mentioned storage médium was the napkin (35.2%) and 20.5% of students would indicate medi- cations in cases of avulsion, being the analgesics the most frequent answer (88.8%). Conclusion: academics who were surveyed demonstrated insufficient knowledge about the emergency procedures to be performed in cases of tooth avulsion.

: Health education.; School.; Tooth avulsion..

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