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versão impressa ISSN 1413-4012
MOREIRA, Marcelo Aldrighi et al. Is bitewing radiograph required to confirm clinic adaptation of proximal restorations with composite resin in posterior teeth?. RFO UPF [online]. 2015, vol.20, n.1, pp. 69-74. ISSN 1413-4012.
Objective: assess the need for radiographs to confirm the clinical adaptation of proximal restorations with composite resins in posterior teeth. Materials and method: the sample consisted of 10 restorations in permanent molar and 5 in primary molars. All restorations were carried out following the protocol of Dentistry Ulbra - Campus Torres. After the completion of the restoration the trained observer performed the clinical examination of cervical adaptation and the contact point of the restorations with dental floss and explorer. After clinical observation adaptive restoration given by one observer radiographs of the surface was performed. Two observers, radiologists analyzed the adaptation of restorations with the aid of a light box in darkened environment, and assessed whether there was radiographic adaptation of restoration taking into account the following criteria: presence of radiolucent line in the tooth-restoration interface, lack or excess material restorative and point of contact. Results: 66.65% of the evaluated surfaces exhibited radiographic adaptation of restoration while 33.35% did not obtain radiographic adaptation of restoration, having an intra-rater agreement of 86.6%. Conclusion: the results of this study suggest that there is necessity of radiographs to confirm the clinical adaptation of proximal restorations.
Palavras-chave : Diagnose.; Bitewing Radiography.; Dental Marginal Adaptation..