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  ISSN 1413-4012

ENDO, Marcos Sergio et al. Endodontics in single or multiple visits: literature review. RFO UPF []. 2015, 20, 3, pp. 408-413. ISSN 1413-4012.

Current technological advances and the improvement of chemo-mechanical preparation for cleaning and shaping the root canal have reduced the time required for this procedure, enabling treatment completion in one single visit. Objective: To discuss and compare through scientific evidence the findings on postoperative pain and healing rates in endodontic treatments performed in single and multiple visits. This literature review was based on a search for studies in PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Scielo, and Medline databases. Literature review: The single-visit endodontic treatment may be performed in cases diagnosed as irreversible pulpitis. However, in cases of pulp necrosis with or without apical periodontitis, the literature is controversial and opinions vary on the risks and benefits achieved in single or multiple visits. Along with other advantages, including time saving, cost-benefit, better patient compliance, and reduced risk of infection in-between sessions, the single visit may be suggested, but in some cases, as in the presence of exudate, it should not be recommended. Final considerations: Single- and multiple-visits treatment showed similar results considering healing rate and postoperative pain. Thus, the clinical decision-making for choosing an endodontic treatment in single or multiple visits should be based on clinical and scientific evidence.

: Endodontics; Postoperative pain; Treatment.

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