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Arquivos em Odontologia

  ISSN 1516-0939

CATANI, Danilo Bonadia; CYPRIANO, Silvia    SOUSA, Maria da Luz Rosário de. Clinical and socio-behavioral determining factors of dental caries in deciduous and permanent dentitions in a city with optimal fluoride concentrations in the water supply. Arq. Odontol. []. 2010, 46, 4, pp. 197-207. ISSN 1516-0939.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of lesions and active caries in schoolchildren living in a city with optimal fluoride concentrations in the water supply and investigate the possible associated factors. The sample consisted of 603 scholars, 315 at the age of 5, and 288 at the age of 12. The prevalence of lesions and active caries were quantified according to criteria from the World Health Organization and Nyvad, respectively. Sociodemographic variables and questions regarding oral health were assessed using a structured questionnaire answered by the children's parents or their legal guardian. Associations were found by applying a hierarchical approach based on the theoretical framework of caries. In children of 5 years of age, the dmft was 2.63 (±3.37), whereas for scholars, the active caries reached 62.2%. In children of 12 years of age, the DMF was 2.23 (±2.57), while the percentage of scholars with active caries was 78.8%. The caries component presented the highest percentage for deciduous and permanent dentitions. Children of 5 years of age whose parents did not have a car or who had not visited the dentist within the previous year were more likely to present caries lesions (p=0.02 and p=0.01, respectively). Deciduous dentitions from children of 5 and 12 years of age who had not visited the dentist in the year prior to the study were also more likely to present active caries (p=0.01). No factors associated with caries lesions in permanent dentitions could be observed. The results confirm prior reports in the literature regarding the importance of constant monitoring and the influence of socioeconomic factors when caries are present in both dentitions.

: Dental caries; Epidemiology; Fluorine; Socioeconomic factors.

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