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Arquivos em Odontologia
versão impressa ISSN 1516-0939
MOREIRA, Andressa et al. Use of iodomium salt in resin agents to reduce the photoactivation time for bonding of orthodontic brackets: a pilot study. Arq. Odontol. [online]. 2011, vol.47, n.1, pp. 04-08. ISSN 1516-0939.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of adding an iodonium salt to experimental resin cements on their efficiency as agents for bonding brackets to enamel. Materials and Methods: A dimethacrylate co-monomer blend was loaded with 35% glass particles. Three agents were obtained by adding concentrations of 0 (control), 1 (R1) or 2mol% (R2) of ditolyliodonium hexafluorophosphate. Stainless steel brackets were bonded to the buccal faces of bovine incisors; photoactivation was carried out using a quartz-tungsten-halogen unit with 400mW/ cm2-irradiance. The cements were photoactivated using two exposures (on the cervical and incisal faces of the bracket), testing two photoactivation times: 5s or 20s. The shear test was carried out 10min after bonding. Bond strength values were calculated in MPa, and the data were submitted to a two-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls' test (5%). The Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) was evaluated under magnification and submitted to the Kruskal-Wallis test (5%). Results: For the time 20s, significant differences among all materials were observed: R1 > R2 > control, whereas for the time 5s, R1 and R2 were similar, showing higher bond strength than the control. The bond strength for the time 5s was lower than for the time 20s for control and R1, but similar for R2. The reduction in bond strength values comparing the times 20s and 5s was 55% (control), 45% (R1) and 15% (R2). Conclusion: The development of bonding agents containing iodonium salts may produce a favorable atmosphere for bonding brackets using reduced photoactivation times.
Palavras-chave : Light-curing of dental adhesives; Orthodontic brackets; Resin cements; Dental materials; Shear strength.