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vol.47 número3 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Arquivos em Odontologia

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0939


JORGE, Janaina Habib et al. General considerations on resin-bonded fixed partial denture. Arq. Odontol. [online]. 2011, vol.47, n.3, pp. 170-177. ISSN 1516-0939.

The success rate of resin-bonded fixed partial dentures is directly related to the adhesive system and the tooth preparation design for good retention. These resin-bonded bridges represent a prosthodontic alternative, based on their costeffectiveness, conservative techniques, and ease of laboratory manufacturing. Through a thorough review of the literature, this study aimed to report on cavity designs, types of materials used, and the advantages and disadvantages of the resin-bonded fixed partial denture. One of significant advantages of the resin-bonded fixed partial dentures is the conservation of the tooth structure, whereas its main disadvantage includes aesthetic limitations, given that the alloy may in fact be visible. Preparation design, cement type, and casting alloy type, as well as surface treatment, are among the factors that influence the longevity of resin-bonded fixed partial dentures. Treatments with resin-bonded fixed partial dentures present a bright outlook regarding the conservation of tooth structures, as well as a high level of success.

Palavras-chave : Resin-Bonded; Tooth preparation prostodontic; Dental abutments.

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