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vol.48 número3 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Arquivos em Odontologia

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0939


NASCIMENTO, Michelle Michel et al. Human identification through bite marks in foods using reverse engineering and rapid prototyping: a simulated case. Arq. Odontol. [online]. 2012, vol.48, n.3, pp. 134-141. ISSN 1516-0939.

Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using reverse engineering and rapid prototyping to aid in the identification of individuals through bite marks on foods (chocolate and cake). Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of eight volunteers. By means of a drawing, three volunteers were selected to be the suspects. Subsequent drawings were made for the bite to be carried out on the respective food. After having defined the sample, the suspect models and the bitten food were scanned using the software Measuring System ATOS I- Industrial 3D Digitizer v6.1. Viewer-8 and TRITOP of GOM Inspect v1.2.1 (Germany).The file generated images which were compared using a three-dimensional analysis. From the virtual model of bitten food, these data were sent to a printer for rapid prototyping where the prototype of chewed food was then formulated. After, the food prototype was directly compared to the suspect's plaster mold. Through reverse engineering and rapid prototyping, it was possible to accurately identify the author of thebite in the chocolate food. However, food as a slice of cake presented difficulties in correctly identifying the suspect. Results: The results showed that the texture of food (cake), as well as its fragility and consistency, can influence the taking of 3D images and the consequent construction of the prototype. Conclusion: Further studies on other types of food need to be carried out to verify the applicability of rapid prototyping due to its great confrontation power, and mainly its capacity to transform perishable evidence into manipulable and perennial evidence.

Palavras-chave : Bite force; Forensic dentistry.

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