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Arquivos em Odontologia

  ISSN 1516-0939

GUIMARAES, Aryane Nathália et al. Diagnosis and management of orofacial pain in cancer: three clinical case reports. Arq. Odontol. []. 2015, 51, 4, pp. 205-209. ISSN 1516-0939.

Aim: To report the semiological conduct taken in three clinical cases of orofacial pain in patients with head and neck cancer and to describe the therapeutic approach adopted, discussing the analgesic ladder as set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO). Methods: This study presents three clinical case reports of patients referred for dental treatment by a renowned cancer hospital. The data were collected through medical records and attachments concerning temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Pain intensity was evaluated through the visual analogic scale (VAS). Results: The most commonly reported complaint was orofacial pain in the three male patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. After the diagnosis and treatment of orofacial pain, the pain intensity and drug intake were reduced. Conclusion: The precise and individual diagnosis of orofacial pain allows for a more effective pain management, thus reducing the pain intensity, the number of complaints, and the amount of medicine.

: Mouth neoplasms-Diagnosis.; Facial pain.; Pain perception.; Case reports..

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