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Arquivos em Odontologia
versão impressa ISSN 1516-0939
FARIAS, Tainá Duarte Meinicke et al. Profile of dentists and qualification demands in Unacon and CACON in Rio de Janeiro state. Arq. Odontol. [online]. 2016, vol.52, n.3, pp. 136-144. ISSN 1516-0939.
Aim: To analyze the profile of dentists who work in cancer hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and identify skill requirements in this area. Methods: This is a descriptive-exploratory, surveylike study geared toward managers and professionals in cancer hospitals in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Results: Fourteen managers and 85 dentists answered the questionnaire. Despite the adequate number of professionals working in the participating units, few professionals actually provide direct care to cancer patients. Compared to the national average, the professionals are of an older age (47 years), and have a longer professional experience (24 years) and a longer time working at the institution (14 years). In addition, most professionals are experts (91.8%), while some have completed their Masters (30.6%) and Ph.D. (3.5%). Although the professionals work in cancer care units, only seven (8.2%) reported having taken courses in oncology. Given the structure of the institutions, the use of a distance learning strategy could optimize efforts and overcome difficulties; however, pedagogical planning that is consistent with the profile of the professionals is necessary. Conclusion: The data point out the need for the expansion and qualification of the dental care network for cancer patients.
Palavras-chave : Dental care for the chronically.; Neoplasms.; Dental education..