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  ISSN 1519-4442

PEREIRA, Cassiano Costa Silva et al. Surgical-Orthodontic Traction for Impacted Maxillary Canines: A Critical Review and Suggested Protocol. Stomatos []. 2012, 18, 34, pp. 78-83. ISSN 1519-4442.

Maxillary canine impaction is a common occurrence, especially in the palate, despite sufficient space in the arch for tooth alignment. A proper approach requires knowledge of different specialties of dentistry, such as orthodontics, surgery, radiology, and periodontology, which are generally not centered on a single professional. The causes for canine impaction may be either generalized or localized, and the diagnosis should be made through specific clinical and radiographic examination. The prognosis of surgical-orthodontic treatment depends on the position of the canine in relation to the neighboring teeth and height of the alveolar process, in addition to careful surgical technique, considering that there are risks involved, such as ankylosis, loss of tooth vitality, root resorption of the involved tooth and adjacent teeth, and damage to supporting tissues. Given the important role played by impacted maxillary canines, their traction is the treatment of choice in orthodontically treated patients. The present study reviews the literature on important factors to be considered when approaching impacted canines, such as therapeutic possibilities, their advantages and disadvantages.

: Traction; impacted canines; surgical-orthodontic treatment.

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