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Revista da ABENO

versão impressa ISSN 1679-5954


FERRETTI, Lúcia Helena; APPEL, Tiago Goulart; MIGUEL, Luiz Carlos Machado  e  MADEIRA, Luciano. Student evaluation and Brazil's National Curriculum Guidelines - The reality of integrated clinics at UNIVILLE. Rev. ABENO [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.2, pp. 155-162. ISSN 1679-5954.

After the publication of the Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines (NCG), dentistry schools had to adapt their core curricula. This adaptation not only involves changing the curriculum, but also incorporates a new pedagogic philosophy that seeks to bring NCG precepts closer to the daily teaching practice in the integrated clinics of dental schools. The aim of this study was to analyze the productivity of UNIVILLE's Dentistry School undergraduates in clinical disciplines, for three (3) years of undergraduate study in five (5) different dental specialties (periodontics, operative dentistry, endodontics, prosthodontics, and surgery). The productivity of 8 graduating students was assessed by quantifying their production in three (3) years (third, fourth, and fifth year) of the clinical discipline activities, namely those of low, medium, and high complexity. Data analysis demonstrated the following results: in endodontics, a mean production of 4.1 endodontic treatments per student; in prothodontics, a mean of 1.6 single-unit prosthesis and 1.5 complete denture per student; and, in operative dentistry, a mean of 28 direct restorative procedures per student. Based on the results of this assessment model, it was concluded that the development of clinical activities, both integrated and by level of complexity, allows graduating dental students to acquire effective learning skills, with the follow-up of patients in all the phases of patient diagnosis, as well as treatment planning and conclusion. However, this study demonstrated that students graduated without performing certain technical procedures specific to the researched dental specialties.

Palavras-chave : Integrated Clinics; Productivity; Curriculum Guidelines.

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