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Revista da ABENO

  ISSN 1679-5954

MORAES, Fellipe et al. A software development as a didactic object for understanding the dental genesis events. Rev. ABENO []. 2015, 15, 3, pp. 69-79. ISSN 1679-5954.

Technology has gradually spread over all fields of society, becoming indispensable and promoting evolution. The same way it has opened a completely new world of possibilities for the development of knowledge in education. This work presents a new software conceived as a tool for either undergraduate or graduate dental students to provide them a thorough, dynamic and interdisciplinary vision of dental genesis, as well as the possible changes in dentoalveolar structures during the developmental process of teeth germs. It referred to scientific material from books adopted in Dentistry education, articles from Scielo, Pubmed and Periodicals CAPES databases and other information accessed by search tools such as Google Scholar and similar ones. The dynamic process was accomplished by using the Flash + Action Script 3 (AS3) system in Adobe AIR platform, allowing students to navigate throughout all the developmental phases of teeth germs by clicking on desired file. The interdisciplinarity and interactivity of information made possible with this platform allows students to build up highly importance knowledge in Dentistry, as it works as a didactic instrument in accordance to the new teaching tendency, which will consequently help in diagnostic reasoning.

: Education.; Software.; Dentistry.; Technology.; Learning.; Anomaly..

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