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Revista da ABENO

versão impressa ISSN 1679-5954


FEITOSA, Brendda Juliana Carvalho; MELO, Nilce Santos de  e  SANTOS, Gláucia Nize Martins. E-learning in Oral Diagnosis: experience report at the University of Brasília. Rev. ABENO [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.1, pp. 26-35. ISSN 1679-5954.

E-learning can be defined as any type of educational situation in which the content is available electronically via Internet when and where people need it. Using the possibilities that virtual environment provides for education, was developed an e-module in the Moodle Platform. The aim of this study was to verify the access, performance, and acceptance of undergraduate dentistry students to use the e-module in the online activities of Oral Diagnosis Discipline at the University of Brasilia. Evaluations of content (pre and post-test), pre-test of expectation and post-test of satisfaction were designed to evaluate the content and acceptance of e-module among participants. Of the 25 initial participants, 2 completed the e-module, 11 started and did not complete, 9 did not access the platform and three did not accept to answer the post-test of satisfaction. Pre and post-test of content showed no significant data. The post-test of satisfaction showed that the students who have not accessed the e-module, or accessed and did not complete, 80% said they "did not have time to access the Platform" and 15% said they did not participate or did not complete the e-module "because it would not improve GPA or course credit number". In conclusion, although students were positive regarding the use of new methodologies, the participation was very low. The performance was similar to presential classes. Several factors influence the attitude of the students in the emodule, including rewards gain and the pedagogical form of the contents. Thus, it is up to the teacher the motivational and mediating role between learning and the virtual world.

Palavras-chave : Dentistry.; Radiology.; Education; Distance.; Information Technology..

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