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Revista da ABENO

versão impressa ISSN 1679-5954


MOCO, Leonardo Ribeiro da Silva; FLORIO, Flávia Martão  e  ZANIN, Luciane. Characteristics of exams for hiring dentists for the Family Health Strategy. Rev. ABENO [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.2, pp. 22-31. ISSN 1679-5954.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the characteristics of public exams for hiring dental surgeons for the Family Health Strategy in Brazilian municipalities. Documentation of public tenders issued in Brazil between 2006 and 2014 was analyzed, based on the following criteria: macro region, programmatic content, salary, number of vacancies, and hiring system. Of a total number if 765 tenders for applications to do the exam, 42% were for the Southeastern region; 24% for the Northeastern; 22% for the Southern; 7% for the Midwestern, and 5% for the Northern region. The mean number of vacancies offered was 4.2, and the mean salary was R$ 2.458,01 (Brazilian Reais). The contents of the exams were distributed into the categories of specific knowledge (81%), Portuguese language (71%), general knowledge (30%), collective health (14%) and others (33%). Relative to the forms of hiring, 21% were related to the statutory work regime, 16% were contracted under the laws for employees which govern the private sector (consolidated labor law), 4% selection process of a temporary nature, 1% temporary hiring in the absence of the public selection process and 57% did not specify the type of contract. The public exams in the period evaluated showed imprecise tender documents, with the absence of important information for making a secure decision to participate in the selection process. The majority of the exams were held in the Southeastern region, and state of Minas Gerais, with the demand for specific knowledge of the area of work and Portuguese language. Contents relative to Collective Health and public titles were demanded only by the minority of tenders. It is necessary for tenders to be more specific, particularly with regard to the knowledge demanded in the exams, so that the professional with the adequate profile and knowledge will be hired to work in the Family Health Strategy.

Palavras-chave : Dentists.; Personnel Selection.; Unified Health System.; Family Health..

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