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Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial

  ISSN 1808-5210

ARAUJO, Fábio Andrey da Costa et al. Preemptive analgesia in third molar surgery: comparative analise between CodatenTM and Nimesulide - pilot study. Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac. []. 2010, 10, 4, pp. 55-62. ISSN 1808-5210.

PURPOSE: This study was assessed through a pilot study, the effectiveness of preemptive analgesia of CodatenTM 100 mg compared with nimesulide 100 mg in surgery for bilateral third molars. METHODOLOGY: The sample consisted of 08 patients who needed to perform extractions third molars on both sides at positions counterparts, so they formed part of two sample sets: a test with CodatenTM 100 mg and another test with nimesulide 100 mg one hour before surgery. The assessment of postoperative pain imediately after surgery was perfomed by using the Visual Analog Scale. RESULTS: The mean pain was correspondingly higher when the administration of CodatenTM, in the first postoperative five hours. In the 03 days following postoperative, the mean pain was higher when the administration of nimesulide, however without significants results. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of the immediate postoperative period, the drugs were effective in combating postoperative pain, signaling preemptive effects of both. None of the patients had adverse reactions to medications used in this research.

: Molar Tooth.

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