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Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial
versão On-line ISSN 1808-5210
CAMARINI, Edevaldo Tadeu et al. Use of fluoroscopy and computed tomography for removal of broken needle. Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.3, pp. 33-38. ISSN 1808-5210.
Local anesthesia is fundamental in pain control in dental procedures. Most emergencies in outpatient departments, however, occur during or immediately after the injection of local anesthetic. Among these we may mention needle fracture which, although uncommon, can occur because of an erroneous anesthetic technique, use of low-grade material or lack of cooperation on the part of the patient. After fracture, the fragment may move through the tissues, requiring careful evaluation by a maxillofacial surgeon before an attempt is made to recover it. Several location techniques are described in the literature, such as panoramic, computed tomography, metal detectors, conventional radiographs and intraoperative fluoroscopy. The aim of the present study is to review the literature and report a case of needle fracture in which the use of cone beam computed tomography as a preoperative examination was associated with fluoroscopy, perioperatively, for identification and removal of any foreign bodies
Palavras-chave : Cone Beam Computed Tomography; Fluoroscopy; Needle Fracture.