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Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial

versão On-line ISSN 1808-5210


SOBRAL, Ana Paula Veras et al. Immunolocalization of bmp2/4, tgfβ-1 and osteonectin in fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.3, pp. 77-84. ISSN 1808-5210.

Background: Benign fibro-osseous lesions (BFOL) comprise a diverse group of pathologies characterized by the replacement of normal bone by fibrous tissue and a mineralized product. Little is known about the biology of this group of lesions. We have analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of three molecules involved in bone metabolism, namely osteonectin, TGF-b1, and BMP2/4. Methods: Thirty-two cases diagnosed as normal jaw bone (NJB, 8 cases), fibrous dysplasia (FD, 8 cases), cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD, 8 cases), and cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF, 8 cases) were selected. Results: Osteonectin and BMP2/4 antibodies were positive in all cases. TGFb-1 labeling was seen in one case of COD and COF. Conclusion: The immunohistochemistry findings suggest that BFOL have different processes of osseous tissue production

Palavras-chave : Benign fibro-osseous lesions; Fibrous dysplasia; Cemento-osseous dysplasia; Cementoossifying fibroma; BMP2/4, TGFb-1; Osteonectin; Immunohistochemistry.

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