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Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial
versão On-line ISSN 1808-5210
BRASIL JUNIOR, Ozawa et al. Manifestações craniofaciais da Doença de Paget - relato de caso Craniofacial manifestations of Paget's disease - case report. Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.4, pp. 25-30. ISSN 1808-5210.
Fibro osseous lesions of the craniofacial complex are represented by a variety of processes characterized by ununsual calcifications of one or multiple regions of the body. Among these lesions, Paget's disease of bone, is a condition that occurs in three stages of bone formation, typically leading to loss of morphofunctional and long bones of the craniofacial complex. In this paper, we report the case of a 56-years-old malepatient, seen at theSanta IsabelHospital, Maxillo-Facial Surgery Center , JoãoPessoa-PB, presenting Paget's disease of bone with repercussions throughout the skeleton. In addition, we discuss the historical aspects, pathogenesis andcraniofacial complications that can appear in this pathology
Palavras-chave : Craniofacial Abnormalities; Osteitis Deformans.