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Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial

versão On-line ISSN 1808-5210


ALENCAR, Marília Gabriela Mendes de et al. Treatmentof importantlabial avulsion by human bite. Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.3, pp. 65-72. ISSN 1808-5210.

Injuriescaused byhuman bitesareusually consideredas havinga higher incidence ofinfectiouscomplicationsdue to their higher rateof contamination. Treatmentof these lesionsis controversial, especially with regardto theprimary sutureandprophylaxis ofinfectiousdiseases,originatedfromcontactwith theassailantssaliva and the originatedwound. The initial managementof thesepatientsin theemergencyroom consistsin infection control, functional rehabilitation,andaesthetic treatmentto minimizepsychological damageand to make possible thereturnto social life. This paperreports the case ofan extensiveavulsionof the lower lipdue toaggression byhuman bite. The initialreconstruction waspossible throughlateraladvancementflapsassociated withspecific antibiotic therapy. Thuswas obtainedan aestheticandfunctional satisfactory result with noinfectiouspostoperative complicationsorsuturedehiscence, oral continencewas preserved, as well as sensitivityandlipmobility.

Palavras-chave : Facial Injuries.; Bites; Human; Lip/surgery.; WoundInfection..

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