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Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-facial

  ISSN 1808-5210

DEUS, Dalila Pego de; PINHO, Kelmara    TEIXEIRA, André Luiz de Sousa. Epidemiological survey of facial fractures in the Hospital Regional of Urgency and Emergency of President Dutra- MA. Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac. []. 2015, 15, 3, pp. 15-20. ISSN 1808-5210.

This study aims to determine the prevalence of Facial Fractures treated in the Regional Hospital Emergency and Emergency Presidente Dutra. So classifying it in gender, age, most affected anatomical locations and etiology. An epidemiological analysis of the information contained in the medical records of 552 patients who were treated by the staff of Surgery and Traumatology Oral and maxillofacial at Regional Hospital Emergency and Emergency Presidente Dutra, in the city of Presidente Dutra-Maranhão was performed. These were observed a higher occurrence in males with 456 (83%) and the most affected age group was 21-30 years, with 231 (42%), which can be attributed to greater access for young motorcycle, which was the factor etiological more prevalent with 309 (62%), and the most affected region was jaw and zygomatic, with 177 (33%) and 146 (27%) respectively. It is found from the data that the young men are the most affected and the largest motorcycle causal factor, therefore the data suggest a warning to public agencies and the public greater oversight and awareness of motorcyclists on the inherent risk of accidents and possible consequences.

: facial fractures; epidemiology; lifting..

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