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RGO.Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (Online)
versão On-line ISSN 1981-8637
LASLOWSKI, Priscilla et al. Physician's knowledge about dental treatment during pregnancy. RGO, Rev. gaúch. odontol. (Online) [online]. 2012, vol.60, n.3, pp. 297-303. ISSN 1981-8637.
Objective To guide pregnant patients, as regards their general and oral health, thus justifying the need to have regular prenatal and dental care, is an obligation of health professionals. Physicians, especially gynecologists and obstetricians play an important role, since they are the first professionals to take care of pregnant patients. Methods The objective of present study was to evaluate physician's knowledge about dental treatment during pregnancy. Methods: Using questionnaires, 40 gynecologists and obstetricians were evaluated as regards their knowledge of dental care, and use of drugs and dental anesthetics in dental procedures during pregnancy. Results Many myths referring to dental care in pregnant women were observed. Many physicians have knowledge about association between susceptibility to gingivitis/periodontitis and pregnancy. With reference to local anesthetics and vasoconstrictors used in dentistry, the physicians still have some doubts about their use, even with the literature supporting their safety in this period. It is intended to continue these contacts with the obstetricians, in order to extend their knowledge and seek multidisciplinary cooperation, which would promote adequate and complete prenatal care. Conclusion It could be concluded that there are some divergences between obstetricians and dentists concerning dental care in pregnant women, which means losses for the patient.
Palavras-chave : Dentist-patient relations.; Obstetrics. Pregnancy..