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RSBO (Online)
versão On-line ISSN 1984-5685
SILVEIRA, Eliane Garcia da et al. The Univali dental students' knowledge level about the prophylactic and therapeutic use of fluoride. RSBO (Online) [online]. 2010, vol.7, n.2, pp. 131-137. ISSN 1984-5685.
INTRODUCTION: The knowledge about fluoridated products enables the perception of conditions that make fluoride a toxic or beneficial element. OBJETIVE: To verify the knowledge about the prophylactic and therapeutic use of fluoride among students in the 7th, 8th and 9th semester of the Dentistry Course at the Vale do Itajaí University (Univali) in the first semester of 2008. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It was a transversal descriptive study that gathered primary data through a semi-structured questionnaire, approaching the students' knowledge about the fluoride application methods, the recommendations and the fluoride concentrations of products used in the clinical routine, as well as the fluoride levels to which the patients are already exposed to. RESULTS: 82.75% of the interviewed students know the acute probable toxic dose (PTD) and 43.68% of them know the chronic toxic dose. Dental fluorosis was mentioned as a chronic clinical manifestation by 71.26% of the students. Professional topical fluoride application (PTFA) is used by 90.80% of the students and 85.05% of them recognize that the amount of fluoride toothpaste used in brushing is a relevant factor for chronic intoxication. None student was aware of the fluoride concentration used in Itajaí community water supply, and 77.01% of the students comprehend that the main mode of action of fluoride is topical and primary. CONCLUSION: Despite the large amount of information about fluoride received by students during the curricular program, most of them do not know how to use it in their clinical practice and are not aware of toxicity, concentrations, indications and correct uses for each patient.
Palavras-chave : fluoride; fluoride poisoning; fluoride compounds.