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RSBO (Online)
versão On-line ISSN 1984-5685
MELO, Tiago André Fontoura de; KUNERT, Gustavo Golgo e OLIVEIRA, Elias Pandonor Motcy de. The use of ultrasound in periapical curettage: case report. RSBO (Online) [online]. 2010, vol.7, n.4, pp. 488-493. ISSN 1984-5685.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to demonstrate the possibility of treatment, through periapical curettage with the aid of ultrasound, consequently without the need of resection of root's apical portion. CASE REPORT: The endodontic treatment of tooth #41 and retreatment of tooth #42 was performed. Following, the periapical lesion areas were submitted to parendodontic surgery. After a 2-year follow-up period, it could be verified a total lesion area regression and bone repair. CONCLUSION: The association of technology with clinical practice seemed to result in a faster, safer, and more conservative surgical treatment.
Palavras-chave : endodontics; oral surgery; oral pathology.