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RSBO (Online)

  ISSN 1984-5685

MAEHLER, Marcia et al. Periodontal disease and its influence on the metabolic control of diabetes. RSBO (Online) []. 2011, 8, 2, pp. 211-218. ISSN 1984-5685.

INTRODUCTION: Currently, it is accepted that the periodontal disease is more prevalent and severe in people with diabetes mellitus glycemic index. compared to non-diabetic people. On the other hand, patients with severe periodontitis may present difficulty in performing glycemic control. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study is to determine, through a literature review, the influence of the periodontal disease on the metabolic control of diabetic patients. LITERATURE REVIEW: PubMed database was searched, from November to December of 2008, and several studies comprising the current and classic literature were listed, using the following uniterms: periodontitis and diabetes mellitus. Forty and four reports were found. Half of them (n = 22) was conducted in humans after the mechanic periodontal treatment alone or associated with a topic or systemic antimicrobial therapy. Ten of these studies presented beneficial results regarding to the glycemic control. Three studies (n = 3) were conducted in animals, simulating periodontitis in pre-diabetic or diabetic rats. The results of epidemiologic (n = 5), literature review, and meta-analysis (n = 14) studies were positively similar to the studies in humans after the periodontal treatment, in 4 and 11 articles, respectively. The most common possible patho-physiological paths between periodontal disease (DP) and diabetes mellitus (DM) evaluated by the authors were related to the inflammatory markers, the host's modified response, and the resistance to insulin. CONCLUSION: Periodontitis may influence on the glycemic control of diabetes. However, the study's standardization in relation to both the periodontal therapy and the studied groups are necessary to consolidate the bidirectional relationship between DP and DM and to help in the multidisciplinary treatment of the patients suffering of these diseases.

: diabetes mellitus; periodontitis; glycemic index.

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