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Innovations Implant Journal

  ISSN 1984-5960

CERBASI, Kátia Petrasunas. Bacterial etiology and treatment of peri-implantitis. Innov. Implant. J., Biomater. Esthet. (Online) []. 2010, 5, 1, pp. 50-55. ISSN 1984-5960.

The longevity of osseointegrated implants can be compromissed by occlusal overload and/or plaque-induced peri-implantitis, depending on the implant geometry and surface characteristics. Animal studies, cross-sectional and longitudinal observations in man, as well as association studies indicate that peri-implantitis is characterised by a microbiota comparable to that of periodontitis (high proportion of anaerobic gram-negative rods, motile organisms and spirochetes), but this does not necessarily prove a causal relationship. However, in order to prevent such a bacterial shift, the following measures can be considered: periodontal health in the remaining dentition (to prevent bacterial translocation) and the avoidance of deepened peri-implant pockets. Periodontitis enhancing factors such as smoking and poor oral hygiene also increase the risk for peri-implantitis. Whether the susceptibility for periodontitis is related to that for peri-implantitis may vary according to the implant type and especially its surface topography. Treatment aimed at a reduction of the anaerobic bacteria improves clinical condition. Furthermore, case reports indicate a possibility for successful treatment with guided tissue regeneration procedures. Incomplete surface decontamination seems to be the major obstacle for regrowth of bone onto previously exposed implants. It appears reasonable to attempt interception of destructive peri-implantitis as early as possible and to stop progression by removal of the bacterial deposits.

: Dental implants; Periodontal diseases; Periodontics.

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