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RSBO (Online) vol.12 no.1 Joinville Jan./Mar. 2015


Literature Review Article


Developmental anomalies affecting the morphology of teeth – a review



Ashish ShresthaI; Vinay MarlaII; Sushmita ShresthaII; Iccha K MaharjanIII

I Department of Oral Histology and Pathology, College of Dental Surgery, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences – Dharan – Nepal
II Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, College of Dental Surgery, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences – Dharan – Nepal
III Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, College of Dental Surgery, B. P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences – Dharan – Nepal





Introduction:The development of tooth is a complex process wherein there is series of interactions between the ectoderm and ectomesenchyme. The role of genes in determining the shape and form of a specific tooth has already been defined, the alterations in which can lead to a variety of anomalies in regards to number, size, form, shape, structure, etc. Objective: To review the literature on the developmental anomalies of teeth. Literature review: The developmental anomalies affecting the morphology exists in both deciduous & permanent dentition and shows various forms such as gemination, fusion, concrescence, dilacerations, dens evaginatus, dens invaginatus, enamel pearls, taurodontism or peg laterals. These anomalies have clinical significance concerning esthetics, malocclusion and more importantly predisposing the development of dental caries and periodontal diseases. Conclusion: Knowledge of various diagnostic criteria for identification of these developmental anomalies is significant for early diagnosis and pertinent treatment.

Keywords: developmental anomaly, diagnostic criteria, tooth morphology.




The tooth is a specialized part of the human body, understanding the development of which is enigmatic and still challenging. The successful development of tooth depends on a complex reciprocal interaction between the dental epithelium and underlying ectomesenchyme. The interaction involves a complex series of molecular signals, receptors and transcription control systems 73.

Anomaly (Gk, anomalos; irregular) is a deviation from what is regarded as normal 48. Disturbance of the epithelium and mesenchymal interactions can markedly alter the normal odontogenesis leading to the developmental anomaly of teeth. Depending on the developmental stage in which the alteration has taken place, different anomalies could take place e.g. anomalies of number, structure, size and/or shape 46.

Developmental dental anomalies are marked deviations from the normal color, contour, size, number, and degree of development of teeth. Local as well as systemic factors may be responsible for these developmental disturbances. Such influences may begin before or after birth, hence both the dentition might be affected 12.

More than 300 genes have been known to be expressed in teeth that are responsible for odontogenesis 72. Defects in these genes have been found to be one of the reasons for alteration of the morphology of tooth 72.

World Health Organization (WHO) has classified "the diseases of oral cavity, salivary glands and jaws" in WHO-International Classification of Disease -10 (WHO-ICD-10) (K00-K14) 23. The anomalies of tooth size and form has been listed under section WHO-ICD -10 (K00.2), which includes concrescence, fusion, gemination, dens evaginatus, dens in dente, dens invaginatus, enamel pearls, macrodontia, microdontia, peg-shaped teeth, taurodontism and tuberculum paramolare (figures 1 and 2).






Understanding the etiology of each dental anomaly is important not only in identification but also to determine the course of the treatment. So, we aim to review the literature regarding various anomalies affecting the tooth and the criteria laid down for its diagnosis.

Description of the anomalies


Tannenbaun and Alling in 1963 defined gemination as the formation of equivalent of two teeth from the same follicle, with evidence of an attempt for the teeth to be completely separate 71.

Gemination also described as double teeth, double formations, joined teeth, fused teeth or dental twinning is commonly seen in the maxillary anterior region 17,62.

Geminated teeth arise from an attempt at division of a single tooth germ by invagination, resulting in a single tooth with two completely separated crowns; or a large, incompletely separated crown having single root and root canal 55, which can be confirmed radiographically 68. The anomalous tooth has a larger mesial-distal diameter than normal and is counted as one 33,68. However the total number of teeth in dental arch is otherwise normal 68.

The etiology of geminated teeth remains unknown but nutritional deficiency, endocrine inf luences, infectious/inf lammatory processes, excessive ingestion of medicines, hereditary or congenital diseases, local trauma and ionizing radiation are considered as causative factors 62.

Clinically, gemination occurring in the anterior tooth region causes esthetic problems related to tooth alignment, spacing and arch asymmetry. The presence of deep grooves on the surface makes it susceptible to caries and periodontal problems by facilitating bacterial plaque accumulation. The eruption of adjacent tooth may also be impeded 55.


Pindborg defined fusion as the union between dent in and enamel of two or more separate developing teeth 54. There may be complete union to form one abnormally large tooth; union of crowns or union of roots only 47. This anatomic irregularity occurs more often in deciduous dentition with a predilection for the anterior region 68.

Fusion can be complete (total/true fusion) or incomplete (partial/late fusion), depending on stage of development 33,68. If fusion begins before calcification stage, the teeth unite completely and the crown incorporates enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp of both the teeth. Incomplete fusion occurs at a later stage and resultant tooth may exhibit separate crowns and limited to root alone with fused or separate pulp canals. The tooth count reveals a missing tooth where anomalous tooth is counted as one 68, unless where the fusion is occurring with a supernumerary tooth 47.

Various theories have been put forward to explain the etiology of fusion. It has been suggested that when the tooth germs are close together they come in contact and fuse as they develop due to the physical pressure or force generated during growth. Other theories suggested the use of thalidomide or occurrence of viral infection during pregnancy 32. A genetic etiology has also been considered 51. Fusion has been reported with congenital anomalies like cleft lip and also in Xlinked congenital conditions. Some dental and non dental abnormalities including supernumerary teeth, hypodontia, peg-shaped incisors, dens in dente, nail disorders, syndactyly, successional conical teeth, macrodontia and double permanent teeth have been associated with fusion 6,65.

Fusion may cause aesthetic problems and occlusal disturbances due to crowding and irregular morphology, respectively. The presence of deep grooves may predispose to caries or periodontal diseases and cause early pulp exposure. The greater root mass and increased surface area would result in delayed resorption and subsequently cause delayed or ectopic eruption of the permanent successors 47,68.


Concrescence is defined as the cemental union of two adjacent teeth without confluence of the underlying dentin showing independent pulp chambers and root canals 14,18. It may occur during or after the completion of root formation. If the condition occurs during development, it is called true/developmental concrescence and acquired/post inflammatory concrescence if after root formation 18,42.

Concrescence is seen frequently in the posterior maxillary region. The developmental pattern often involves a second molar tooth in which its roots closely approximate to the adjacent impacted third molar 70. Few cases have shown the concrescence of a third molar and a supernumerary tooth 18.

It is suspected that space restriction during development, local trauma, excessive occlusal force, or local infection after development play an important role in the occurrence of concrescence 18,31. True concrescence is attributed to the close proximity of developing roots of the adjacent teeth whereas acquired concrescence may result from a chronic inflammatory response to a non-vital tooth 42. The union may vary from one small site to a solid cemental mass along the entire extent of approximating root surfaces 18.

Radiographic examination is required when concrescence is suspected clinically. However in cases of superimposition of two closely approximated teeth, additional radiographic projections at different angulations may be required 18.

Concrescence should be carefully identified to reduce the risk of complications associated with surgical procedures 31. It may affect the extraction of an adjacent tooth and may fracture the tuberosity or f loor of the maxillary sinus. In such cases, sectioning of tooth should be considered to minimize adverse and unexpected outcomes 42.


The term dilaceration was first used by Tomes 75 in 1848 and is defined as a deviation or bend in the linear relationship of crown of a tooth to its root 74. It has been listed under section K00.4 of WHO ICD-10 23.

Dilacerations usually occur in the apical third of the root when the anterior teeth are involved, middle third when first molars are involved and coronal third when third molars are involved 39.

Root dilacerations are common than crown dilacerations and occur usually in the posterior region of permanent dentition 25. However crown dilacerations are commonly observed in the permanent maxillary incisors followed by mandibular incisors. Clinically, the maxillary incisors show a lingual deviat ion while the mandibular incisors incline labially. Pulp necrosis and periapical inflammation may be a common finding even in the absence of decay because the bent portion acts as a nidus for bacterial entry due to defective enamel and dentin 3. Some syndromes and developmental anomalies such as Smith Magenis syndrome, hypermobility type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome, and congenital ichthyosis have been associated with dilaceration 25,76.

Mechanical trauma (Eg: laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation) to the primary predecessor tooth is thought to be the most probable cause which results in dilaceration of the crown of developing succedaneous permanent tooth 3,25. The calcified portion of the permanent tooth germ is displaced in such a way that the remainder of the tooth germ forms at an angle 78. Although the prevalence of traumatic injuries to the primary dentition ranges from 11-30%, the incidence of dilacerated permanent teeth is very low 25.

Other possible contributing factors that have been reported include scar formation, developmental anomaly of the primary tooth germ, facial clefting, advanced root canal infections, ectopic development of the tooth germ and lack of space, effect of anatomic structures (Eg. cortical bone of the maxillary sinus, mandibular canal, or nasal fossa, which might deflect the epithelial diaphragm), presence of an adjacent cyst, tumor, or odontogenic hamartoma, mechanical interference with eruption (Eg. from an ankylosed primary tooth that does not resorb), tooth transplantation, extraction of primary teeth, and hereditary factors 25,27,69,76.

There are varying schools of thoughts regarding the criteria for diagnosing root dilacerations. Hamasha et al have considered dilacerations of root toward the mesial or distal direction, if there is a 900 or greater deviation along the axis of the tooth or root, whereas Chohayeb et al have considered a deviation of 200 or more in the apical part of the root 8,21. Chohayeb et al in their study have reported maxillary lateral incisors to be the most commonly dilacerated tooth which could be due to the consideration of distal curvature of the apical third of root as dilaceration rather than a normal anatomy 8,25.

The recognition and diagnosis of dilaceration often requires radiographs taken at various angulations 26. Mesial or distal root curvatures of dilacerated roots are clearly discernible on periapical radiographs. However if the curvature lies in a labial-buccal direction, the central X-ray beam passes almost parallel to the deviating part of the root giving a ‘bulls eye' like appearance 76. Clinical recognition of dilaceration is important because it can lead to non eruption, longer retention of primary predecessor tooth or possible apical fenestration of the buccal or labial cortical plate 76. Dilaceration causes a challenge for endodontic or orthodontic treatment as well as difficulty in extraction 25,39,76.

Dens invaginatus

Dens invaginatus (DI) also known as the pregnant woman anomaly, extensive compound odontoma, and dens in dente, occurs as a consequence of an invagination on the external surface of the tooth crown before calcification 4,28. The invagination ranges from a short pit confined to the crown to a deep invagination into the root, at times extending to or beyond the root apex. The most severe forms are odontome-like and are often termed invaginated odontomes 37. Majority of the cases are encountered in maxilla with the maxillary lateral incisors being commonly affected, followed by central incisors, premolars, canines and molars 20,28. The classical radiographic appearance of coronal DI is a pear shaped invagination of enamel and dentin with a narrow constriction at the opening on the surface of the tooth. The infolding of the enamel lining is more radio-opaque than the surrounding tooth structure aiding easy identification 50.

Oehlers et al grouped coronal DI into three types according to the radiographic appearance 52:
• Type I: An enamel-lined minor form occurring within the confines of the crown not extending beyond the cemento-enamel junction;
• Type II: An enamel-lined form which invades the root but remains confined as a blind sac. It may or may not communicate with the dental pulp;
• Type III A: A form which penetrates through the root and communicates laterally with the periodontal ligament space through a pseudo-foramen. There is usually no communication with the pulp, which lies compressed within the root;
• TYPE III B: A form which penetrates through the root and perforating at the apical area through a pseudo-foramen. The invagination may be completely lined by enamel, but frequently cementum will be found lining the invagination.

A radicular form of dens invaginatus has also been described by Oehlers which is thought to arise due to the proliferation of Hertwig's root sheath. The root of such tooth is enlarged which can be demonstrated radiographically 53.

Infection, trauma or pressure from the growing dental arch is thought to be responsible for dens invaginatus 4,19. A focal failure of growth or a proliferation of a part of the inner enamel epithelium may be involved in the invagination 34,61. Ohlers suggested a distortion of the enamel organ and subsequent protrusion of a part of the enamel organ resulting in the formation of an enamel lined channel 52.

The invagination acts as a channel for entry of irritants and microorganisms; and predispose to the development of dental caries. Since the thickness of enamel is less, pulp necrosis occurs at an earlier age. Coronal DI can also lead to abscess formation, retention of neighboring teeth, cysts, internal resorption, cellulitis etc. 49.

Dens evaginatus

Dens evaginatus (DE) is a developmental aberration of a tooth resulting in formation of an accessory cusp whose morphology has been described as abnormal tubercle, elevation, protuberance, excrescence, extrusion, or a bulge 36. It is also referred to as tuberculated cusp, accessory tubercle, occlusal tuberculated premolar, Leong's premolar, evaginatus odontoma, and occlusal pearl 11,36. Currently, dens evaginatus is the preferred terminology and was first recommended by Oehlers in 1967 52. This uncommon anomaly projects above the adjacent tooth surface, exhibiting enamel covering a dentinal core that usually contains pulp tissue; occasionally having slender pulp horn which extends to various distances within the dentinal core 36,77. The tubercles of dens evaginatus has been differentiated from the cusp of carabelli which is a normal anatomical finding and is differentiated from DE by the absence of a pulp core 36.

A multifactorial etiology combining both genetics and environmental factors has been suggested for the formation of dens evaginatus. Mutations in the human EDA1, EDAR, and EDARADD genes often result in more severe phenotypes resulting in tooth loss and malformation 44. It occurs during the bell stage and is characterized by abnormal proliferation of inner enamel epithelium into the stellate reticulum of the enamel organ 11.

The occurrence of dens evaginatus shows great racial differences with a higher prevalence among people of Mongoloid origin 81. It is commonly associated with the occlusal surface of premolars. Schulze (1987) distinguished the following five types of DE for posterior teeth by the location of the tubercle 36,64.

1. A cone-like enlargement of the lingual cusp;
2. A tubercle on the inclined plane of the lingual cusp;
3. A cone-like enlargement of the buccal cusp;
4. A tubercle on the inclined plane of the buccal cusp;
5. A tubercle arising from the occlusal surface obliterating the central groove.

When dens evaginatus appears in the anterior region, it is usually observed on the lingual surface and is described as a Talon's cusp 36. Mitchell was the first to recognize this anomaly in 1892, which was later named talon by Mellor and Ripa due to its resemblance to an eagle's talon 43,45. It is commonly seen in the maxillary lateral incisors and has been associated with syndromes such as Rubinstein and Taybi, Berardinelli-Seip, Mohr, Ellis-van Creveld, Sturge-Weber and incontinentia pigmenti achromians 67. It varies in size, shape, length and mode of attachment to the crown and ranges from an enlarged cingulum to a large, welldelineated cusp extending beyond the incisal edge of the tooth 37. The cusp is composed of normal enamel and dentin containing varying extensions of pulp tissue. It may connect with the incisal edge to produce a T-form or, if more cervical, a Y-shaped crown contour 20.

Hattab et al classified talons' cusps into three types based on the degree of cusp formation and extension 22:

• Type 1: Talon – refers to a morphologically well-delineated additional cusp that prominently projects from the palatal (or facial) surface of a primary or permanent anterior tooth and extends at least half the distance from cemento-enamel junction to the incisal edge;
•Type 2: Semi talon – refers to an additional cusp of a millimeter or more extending less than half the distance from cemento-enamel junction to the incisal edge. It may blend with the palatal surface or stand away from the rest of the crown;
•Type 3: Trace talon – an enlarged or prominent cingula and their variations, i.e. conical, bifid or tubercle-like. The dens evaginatus or talons cusp may fracture or be abraded as soon as the tooth comes into occlusion, exposing the pulp 11. Hence early recognition of this anomaly and prompt treatment should be instituted to prevent endodontic complications.

Enamel pearls

Enamel which is normally restricted to the anatomic crowns of human teeth may be foundectopically on the root, either as cervical enamel projections or enamel pearls 59,60. Enamel pearl is defined as an ectopic globule of enamel that is firmly attached to the tooth root 9. According to Kupietzky and Rozenfarb (1993) the enamel pearl anomaly was first described in 1824 by Linder and Linder 35. It has been referred to as an enameloma, enamel droplet, enamel nodule, enamel exostoses and enamel globule. It is found commonly on the roots of maxillary molars, especially the third molars adjacent to the furcation or furrow of the root 60.

The structure of the enamel in ectopic enamel projections are characterized as normal, but with considerable variations and irregular features that are most likely related to its ectopic development 58. During normal tooth development, ameloblasts lose their activity after crown formation and become part of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath. Occasionally for unknown reasons, ameloblasts retain their enamel competence, resulting in prolonged (cervical enamel projections) or delayed (enamel pearls) ectopic enamel production 15.

Advanced localized periodontal destruction has been associated with cervical enamel projections and enamel pearl, predisposing to attachment loss 2.


Witkop defined taurodontism as teeth with large pulp chambers in which the bifurcation or trifurcation are displaced apically, so that the chamber has greater apical-occlusal height than in normal teeth and lacks the constriction at the level of cemento-enamel junction (CEJ). The distance from the trifurcation or bifurcation of the root to the CEJ is greater than the occlusal-cervical distance 79.

This anomaly was first reported in the remnants of prehistoric hominids by de Terra in 1903 and by Gorjanovic - Kramberger and Aldoff in 1907 16. Pickerill in 1909 noted this in modern man 41. However the term "taurodontism" was first used by Sir Arthur Keith in 1913 to describe the teeth of prehistoric people, the Neanderthals and Heidelberg 30. He coined this term from the Latin word tauro (for bull) and Greek term dont (for tooth) because of the morphological resemblance of affected tooth to the tooth of ungulates or cud chewing animals.

Shaw (1928) has classified taurodontism arbitrarily based on relative degree of apical displacement of floor of pulp chamber into hypo, meso and hyper-taurodontism (figure 3) 66. Various diagnostic criteria have been put forward for the identification of taurodontism which has been summarized in table I5,13,29,63.






Taurodontism primarily affects the molar teeth 38. It occurs as isolated cases but also has been associated with other anomalies. It has been reported in Klinefelter's syndrome, Down's syndrome, Trichodento osseous syndrome, orofacial digital syndrome, Mohr Syndrome or ectodermal dysplasia. It has also been associated with amelogenesis imperfecta, cleft palate, microdontia and dens invaginatus 24,26,41,80.

The etiology of taurodontism is still uncertain, but it is thought to be caused by the failure of Hertwig's sheath to invaginate at the proper horizontal level but other possible etiologies have to be considered including spontaneous mutation and the influence of additional factors such as infection, on the developing tooth 40,57.

Several clinical considerations would be associated with the management of teeth with taurodontism. Extensive length of pulp chambers might create difficulty in location of root canals. Taurodontic molars are suggested to have less resistance to lateral displacing forces compared to cynodont due its smaller surface area and hence are not used as an abutment 40.


A peg lateral is an undersized, tapered, maxillary lateral incisor 10. The tooth is conical in shape; broadest cervically and tapers incisally to a blunt point. An unusual occurrence is that of a peg-shaped maxillary central incisor. Peg-shaped teeth develop from a single lobe instead of four. The peg-shaped laterals are predominantly genetically determined and can also be caused due to endocrinal disturbances 7. Peg-shaped laterals may be associated with other dental anomalies such as tooth agenesis, canine transposition and overretained deciduous teeth. Studies of identical twins have indicated that missing teeth and peg-shaped lateral incisor might be a varied expression of the same genetic trait 1,10. Early management of the peg-shaped laterals is necessary due to psychological problems in children as well as for the proper development of the stomatognathic system 7.



Although asymptomatic, these dental anomalies can lead to clinical problems which include delayed or incomplete eruption of the normal series of teeth, attrition, compromised esthetics, occlusal interference, accidental cusp fracture, interference with tongue space causing difficulty in speech and mastication, temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction, malocclusion, periodontal problems and increased susceptibility to caries. The developmental anomalies of teeth show variations and no two anomalies of the same type are alike. So knowledge of various criteria which have been put forward for the identification and classification of the different anomalies is essential to diagnose the condition and institute appropriate treatment.



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Corresponding author:
Adilson Yoshio Furuse
Al. Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla, 9-75 – Bauru
CEP 17012-901 – Bauru – SP – Brasil



Received for publication: December 1, 2014
Accepted for publication: December 2
2, 2014