| Sumário Braz. J. Oral Sci. vol.11 no.4 Piracicaba Out./Dez. 2012 Literature Review | | | | · Effects of bleaching agents and adhesive systems in dental pulp: a literature review Silva, Adam de Mello; dos Santos, Camila Correia; Giovani, Elcio Magdalena; Giovani, Elcio Magdalena
| | | | · Anteroposterior dentoalveolar effects with cervical headgear and pendulum appliance: a systematic review de Lira, Ana de Lourdes Sá; Izquierdo, Antonio; Prado, Sávio; Nojima, Matilde; Maia, Lucianne
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Morse taper implants at different bone levels: a finite element analysis of stress distribution Toniollo, Marcelo Bighetti; Macedo, Ana Paula; Palhares, Daniel; Calefi, Paulo Linares; Sorgini, Danilo Balero; de Mattos, Maria da Gloria Chiarello
| | | | · Factors associated with the use of herbal medicines for oral problems by patients attending the clinics of the School of Dentistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil de Paula, Janice Simpson; de Resende, Alexandre Marques; Mialhe, Fábio Luiz
| | | | · Fracture resistance of over-flared root canals filled with MTA and resin-based material: an in vitro study Abdo, Salma B.; Masudi, Sam'an Malik; Luddin, Norhayati; Husien, Adam; Khamis, Mohd Fadhli
| | | | · Shear bond strength of nanofilled flowable resins used for indirect bracket bonding da Silva, Carolina Ferreira Leite Moreira; Correa, Marcelo Alves; Sobrinho, Lourenço Correr; Moro, Alexandre; Moresca, Ricardo Cesar; Correr, Gisele Maria
| | | | · Dental caries-related quality of life and socioeconomic status of preschool children, Bauru, SP Xavier, Angela; de Carvalho, Fábio Silva; Bastos, Roosevelt da Silva; Caldana, Magali de Lourdes; Bastos, José Roberto de Magalhães
| | | | · Influence of different mould materials on the degree of conversion of dental composite resins Cornelio, Roberto Belloti; Kopperud, MSc Hilde Molvig; Haasum, Johan; Gedde, Ulf Wiel; Örtengren, Ulf
| | | | · Clinical status of permanent first molars in children aged seven to ten years in a Brazilian rural community Motta, Lara Jansiski; dos Santos, Joyce Garcia; Alfaya, Thays Almeida; Guedes, Carolina Cardoso; de Godoy, Camila Haddad Leal; Bussadori, Sandra Kalil
| | | | · Mapping of proximal enamel thickness in permanent teeth Vellini-Ferreira, Flávio; Cotrim-Ferreira, Flávio Augusto; Ribeiro, José Alaor; Ferreira-Santos, Cívea Inês
| | | | · Dentistry for babies: caries experience vs. assiduity in clinical care Lemos, Letícia Vargas Freire Martins; Barata, Terezinha Esteves de Jesus; Myaki, Silvio Issáo; Walter, Luiz Reynaldo de Figueiredo
| | | | · Factors involved in dentistry absenteeism since the foundation of the Labor Court from 1986 to 2008 Santos, Elaine Justino; Queluz, Dagmar de Paula
| | | Case Report | | | | · Angioneurotic edema: report of two cases Chaitra, T.R; Ravishankar, T.L; Nalawade, Triveni Mohan
| | | | · Complex odontoma: report of two unusual cases Patil, Santosh; Ramesh, D.N.S.V; Kalla, A. R
| | | | · Florid cement-osseous dysplasia of maxilla and mandible: a rare clinical case More, Chandramani B.; Shirolkar, Rajan; Adalja, Chhaya; Tailor, Mansi N
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