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Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences
versão On-line ISSN 1677-3225


Braz. J. Oral Sci. vol.12 no.2 Piracicaba Abr./Jun. 2013

 Original Articles
 ·  Perception of parents of children with and without disabilities about teething disturbances and practices adopted
Prado, Alessandra Maia de Castro; Oliveira, Fabiana Sodré de; Abrão, Ludmilla de Melo; Novaes, Myrian Stella de Paiva; Prado, Thaís Thereza Basso

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 ·  Biomechanical analysis on different fixation techniques for treatment of mandibular body fractures
Ribeiro, Marcela; Lauria, Andrezza; Sato, Fábio Ricardo Loureiro; Moreira, Roger William Fernandes

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 ·  Influence of plaster drying on the amount of residual monomer in heat-cured acrylic resins
Paes-Junior, Tarcisio José de Arruda; Carvalho, Rodrigo Furtado de; Cavalcanti, Sâmia Carolina Mota; Saavedra, Guilherme de Siqueira Ferreira Anzaloni; Borges, Alexandre Luiz Souto

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 ·  A multiparametric assay to compare the cytotoxicity of different storage media for avulsed teeth
Silva, Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal; Rollemberg, Carolina Bluzarca; Coutinho-Filho, Tauby de Souza; Krebs, Renato Liess; Zaia, Alexandre Augusto

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 ·  Is bleeding on probing a differential diagnosis between periimplant health and disease?
Casado, Priscila Ladeira; Villas-Bôas, Ricardo; Silva, Luana Cristine Leão da; Andrade, Cristiana Farias de Carvalho; Bonato, Letícia Ladeira; Granjeiro, José Mauro

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 ·  Microleakage in combined amalgam/composite resin restorations in MOD cavities
Tolidis, Kosmas; Boutsiouki, Christina; Gerasimou, Paris

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 ·  Could idiopathic osteosclerosis have correlations with palatally impacted maxillary canines?
Poletto, Cesar Augusto Rodenbusch; Itiberê, Claudinéia; Ignácio, Sérgio Aparecido; Kuriki, Lucilia; Tanaka, Orlando Motohiro; Camargo, Elisa

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 ·  A survey on dental undergraduates' knowledge of oral radiology
de-Azevedo-Vaz, Sergio Lins; Vasconcelos, Karla de Faria; Rovaris, Karla; Ferreira, Naiara de Paula; Haiter Neto, Francisco

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 ·  Evaluation of human enamel permeability exposed to bleaching agents
Horning, Diego; Gomes, Giovana Mongruel; Bittencourt, Bruna Fortes; Ruiz, Lucas Manuel; Reis, Alessandra; Gomes, Osnara Maria Mongruel

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 ·  A comparative leakage study on Er,Cr:YSGG laser- and bur- prepared Class V cavities restored with a low-shrinkage composite using different filling techniques
Sarabia, Fernanda Strohmayer; Lago, Andréa Dias Neves; Botta, Sérgio Brossi; Azevedo, Cynthia Soares de; Garone-Netto, Narciso; Matos, Adriana Bona

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 ·  Influence of dialysis duration and parathyroid hormone on the clinical and radiographic oral conditions of pre-transplant patients with chronic kidney disease
Queiroz, Stênio Medeiros; Amorim, Adriana Gomes; de Andrade, Ana Luiza Dias Leite; Gordón-Núñez, Manuel Antonio; Freitas, Roseana de Almeida; Galvão, Hébel Cavalcanti

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 ·  Oral antibacterial effect of chlorhexidine treatments and professional prophylaxis in children
Silva, Thiago Cruvinel; Valarelli, Thaís Marchini Oliveira; Sakai, Vivien Thiemy; Tessarolli, Vanessa; Machado, Maria Aparecida de Andrade Moreira

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 ·  Effectiveness of different obturation techniques in surpassing the ledge formed in simulated curved canals
Gabardo, Marilisa Carneiro Leão; Silva, Wander José da; Gonçalves, Letícia Machado; Deonízio, Marili Doro Andrade

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 ·  Proliferation of human periodontal ligament mesenchymal cells on polished and plasma nitriding titanium surfaces
Ribeiro, Rodrigo Alves; Vasconcelos, Rodrigo Gadelha; Ginani, Fernanda; Silva, José Sandro Pereira da; Alves-Júnior, Clodomiro; Barboza, Carlos Augusto Galvão

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 ·  Effect of a desensitizing dentifrice on the bond strength of different adhesive systems
Cavalcanti, Andrea Nóbrega; Souza, Evangelista Santos de; Lopes, Gabriela dos Santos; Freitas, Anderson Pinheiro de; Araújo, Roberto Paulo Correia de; Mathias, Paula

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