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Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences
versão On-line ISSN 1677-3225


Braz. J. Oral Sci. vol.13 no.3 Piracicaba Jul./Set. 2014

 Original Articles
 ·  Evaluation of two methods for mixed dentition analysis using the method error
Cruz, Bruna Santos da; Rothier, Eduardo Kant Colunga; Vilella, Beatriz de Souza; Vilella, Oswaldo de Vasconcellos; Nascimento, Rizomar Ramos do

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 ·  Radiant exposure effects on physical properties of methacrylate - and silorane-composites
Catelan, Anderson; Kawano, Yoshio; Santos, Paulo Henrique dos; Ambrosano, Gláucia Maria Bovi; Bedran-Russo, Ana Karina; Aguiar, Flávio Henrique Baggio

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 ·  Evaluation of the history of caries and associated factors among quilombolas in Southeastern Brazil
Souza, Maria Cristina Almeida de; Flório, Flávia Martão

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 ·  Influence of surface moisture condition on the bond strength to dentin of etch-and-rinse adhesive systems
Münchow, Eliseu Aldrighi; Valente, Lisia Lorea; Bossardi, Mayara; Priebe, Tanize Cezar; Zanchi, Cesar Henrique; Piva, Evandro

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 ·  In situ assessment of the saliva effect on enamel morphology after microabrasion technique
Pini, Núbia Inocencya Pavesi; Lima, Débora Alves Nunes Leite; Sundfeld, Renato Herman; Ambrosano, Gláucia Maria Bovi; Aguiar, Flávio Henrique Baggio; Lovadino, José Roberto

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 ·  Quality of life in temporomandibular disorder patients with localized and widespread pain
Gui, Maísa Soares; Pimentel, Marcele Jardim; Gama, Marta Cristina da Silva; Ambrosano, Glaucia Maria Bovi; Barbosa, Célia Marisa Rizzatti

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 ·  Bonding durability of dental sealants to deciduous and permanent teeth
Moura, Sandra Kiss; Lemos, Letícia Vargas Freire Martins; Myszkovisk, Suellen; Provenzano, Maria Gisette Arias; Balducci, Ivan; Myaki, Silvio Issao

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 ·  Influence of mouthwashes on the physical properties of orthodontic acrylic resin
Collares, Fabrício Mezzomo; Rostirolla, Flavia Veronezi; Macêdo, Érika de Oliveira Dias de; Leitune, Vicente Castelo Branco; Samuel, Susana Maria Werner

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 ·  Body mass index, dental caries and sugar intake in 2-5 year-old preschoolers
Martins, Ronald Jefferson; Moimaz, Suzely Adas Saliba; Silva, Mirelli Ramiro; Saliba, Orlando; Garbin, Clea Adas Saliba

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 ·  Impact of light-curing time and aging on dentin bond strength of methacrylate- and siloranebased restorative systems
Catelan, Anderson; Soares, Giulliana Panfiglio; Bedran-Russo, Ana Karina; Lima, Débora Alves Nunes Leite; Marchi, Giselle Maria; Aguiar, Flávio Henrique Baggio

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 ·  Sucking habits and anterior open bite among Venezuelan and Brazilian children
Cardoso, Andréia Carvalho; Bello, Marisela González de; Vellini-Ferreira, Flávio; Ferreira-Santos, Rívea Inês

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 ·  Influence of water/powder ratio in the mineral and synthetic casts
Tavarez, Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus; Klug, Rufino José; Vieira, Mayana Soares; Bezerra, Gisele Lima; Bandeca, Matheus Coelho; Firoozmand, Leily Macedo

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 ·  Effects of alcohol intake in periodontitis progression in female rats: a histometric study
Souza, Daniela Martins de; Ricardo, Lucilene Hernandes; Rocha, Rosilene Fernandes da

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 ·  Using molecular markers to assess Streptococcus mutans variability and the biological risk for caries
Neiva, Ivana Froede; Moreira, Mônica; Gomes, Renata Rodrigues; Klisiowicz, Debora; Souza, Ricardo Lehtonen Rodrigues; Vicente, Vânia Aparecida

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 ·  Antifungal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (neem) - An in vitro study
Raghavendra, Srinidhi Surya; Balsaraf, Ketaki Dattatray

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