| Sumário RSBO (Online) vol.8 no.3 Joinville Jul./Set. 2011 Editorial | | | | | | | Guest Editorial | | | | | | | Original Research Articles | | | | · Accuracy of oral exfoliative cytology in Sudanese patients undergoing oral biopsy Edris, Ali Mahmoud M.; Ahmed, Hussain Gadelkarim; Mohammed, Elneel Ahmed
| | | | · Assessment of plasma and salivary antioxidant status in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis Saxena, Sudhanshu
| | | | · Effects of catalase, 2% chlorhexidine gel and 1% sodium hypochlorite on the microtensile bond strength of teeth bleached with 35% hydrogen peroxide Ferreira, Ricardo; Nunes, Tassiana Vieira; Luiz, Betsy Kilian Martins; Garcia, Rubens Nazareno
| | | | · Hydrogen ion and calcium releasing of MTA Fillapex® and MTA-based formulations Kuga, Milton Carlos; Campos, Edson Alves de; Viscardi, Paloma Hernandez; Carrilho, Paula Zapparoli; Xaviér, Fernanda Castilho; Silvestre, Nayara Pereira
| | | | · Accessibility to dental care for patients with special needs Fukuoka, Cíntia Yuki; Michel-Crosato, Edgard; Martins Filho, Ismar Eduardo; Biazevic, Maria Gabriela Haye; Zaitter, Wellington Menyrval
| | | | · Utilization of a biochemical kit for detection of C-reactive protein (CRP) in the saliva of periodontal disease individuals Baroni, Anaila; Souza, Juliana Marchioro; Torres, Maria Fernanda; Tomazinho, Paulo Henrique; Brancher, João Armando
| | | | · Abrasive wear of two glass ionomer cements after simulated toothbrushing Freitas, Márcia Furtado Antunes de; Imai, Leandro Jum; Freitas, César Antunes de; Bianchi, Eduardo Carlos; Almeida, Carina Thaís de; Martins Filho, Ismar Eduardo
| | | | · Analysis of fluoride concentration in solutions prepared at dispensing pharmacies Pizzatto, Eduardo; Losso, Estela Maris; Miranda, Melina Carolina; Souza, Vivian Danielle de; Archetti, Felipe Belmonte
| | | | · A standardized research protocol for platelet-rich plasma (PRP) preparation in rats Messora, Michel Reis; Nagata, Maria José Hitomi; Furlaneto, Flávia Aparecida Chaves; Dornelles, Rita Cássia Menegati; Bomfim, Suely Regina Mogami; Deliberador, Tatiana Miranda; Garcia, Valdir Gouveia; Bosco, Alvaro Francisco
| | | | · Statistical analysis of the prevalence, severity and some possible etiologic factors of gingival recessions among the adult population of Thamar city, Yemen Amran, Abdullah Gh.; Ataa, Mansour Ali S.
| | | | · Secondary protective seal of root canal fillings performed under simulated clinical conditions Ebert, Johannes; Frankenberger, Roland; Petschelt, Anselm; Roggendorf, Matthias Johannes
| | | | · Hypercementosis: a challenge for endodontic therapy Pappen, Fernanda Geraldes; Fagonde, Cecilia Definski; Martos, Josué; Silveira, Luiz Fernando Machado
| | | | · Short implants in oral rehabilitation Chizolini, Emmanuel Panobianco; Rossi, Ana Cláudia; Freire, Alexandre Rodrigues; Perussi, Mario Roberto; Caria, Paulo Henrique Ferreira; Prado, Felippe Bevilacqua
| | | | · Dental pulp stem cells in endodontic research: a promising tool for tooth tissue engineering Gandhi, Amit; Gandhi, Taru; Madan, Natasha
| | | Case Report Articles | | | | · Two root canals in maxillary central incisor Almeida-Gomes, Fábio de; Guimarães, Nadine Luísa Soares de Lima; Maniglia-Ferreira, Claudio; Santos, Roberto Alves dos; Vitoriano, Marcelo de Morais; Sousa, Bruno Carvalho de
| | | | · Identification of a charred corpse through dental records Caputo, Isamara Geandra Cavalcanti; Reis, Jair Naves dos; Silveira, Teresa Cristina Pantozzi; Guimarães, Marco Aurélio; Silva, Ricardo Henrique Alves da
| | | | · Oral lymphangioma: case report Vasconcelos, Marcelo Gadelha; Santos, Bruna Câmara; Lemos, Luciana Cristina Peixoto; Ribeiro, Betania Fachetti; Iglesias, Déborah Pitta Paraíso; Vasconcelos, Rodrigo Gadelha; Medeiros, Ana Myriam Costa de
| | | | · Subepithelial connective tissue graft: a case report
| | | Tópicos da Odontologia | | | | · Restoration of endodontically treated teeth Gonzaga, Carla Castiglia; Campos, Edson Alves de; Baratto-Filho2, Flares
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