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RSBO (Online)
versão On-line ISSN 1984-5685


RSBO (Online) vol.9 no.2 Joinville Abr./Jun. 2012

 ·  Editorial
Baratto-Filho, Flares; Scaini, Fabricio; Miguel, Luiz Carlos Machado

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 Guest Editorial
 ·  Challenges in oral health
Pizzatto, Eduardo

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 Original Research Articles
 ·  Interference of the assessment method in pH values of an epoxy-based cement
Silva, Daniele Fockink da; Stang, Elize Cristina; Campos, Edson Alves de; Kuga, Milton Carlos; Faria, Gisele; Kuga, Gabriel Keine

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 ·  Assessment of preload in carbon coated prosthetic screws
Dziedzic, Dilcele Silva Moreira; Nhata, Juliane; Jamcoski, Vanessa Helena; Dziedzic, Maurício

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 ·  Antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine and MTAD® against Enterococcus faecalis biofilm on human dentin matrix in vitro
Murad, Cristiana Francescutti; Sassone, Luciana Moura; Souza, Monica Cristina; Fidel, Rivail Antonio Sergio; Fidel, Sandra Rivera; Hirata Junior, Rafael

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 ·  Nursing habits in cleft lip and palate children
Silva, Cintia Magali da; Costa, Beatriz; Neves, Lucimara Teixeira das

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 ·  Effectiveness of an electronic apex locator used after preflaring of cervical and middle third
Teixeira, João Marcelo da Silva; Barcellos, Myrna Bastos; Pinho, Marco André de Berrêdo; Barbosa, Carlos Augusto de Melo; Fidel, Rivail Antônio Sérgio; Fidel, Sandra Rivera

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 ·  Periodontal, demographic and systemic condition characteristics of patients treated at a dental school
Goiris, Fabio Anibal; Rocha, Rodrigo; Julio, Moreira; Santos, Fabio Andre dos

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 ·  Evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic resin and resin modified glass ionomer cement on bonding of metal and ceramic brackets
Carvalho, Rosana Costa Casanovas de; Carvalho, Natália Maria Porto de; Herênio, Synara Santos; Bauer, José Roberto de Oliveira; Paiva, Antonio Ernandes Macedo; Costa, José Ferreira; Costa, Elizabeth Lima

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 ·  Cutting ability of nickel-titanium rotary systems ProTaper, Mtwo and K3
Moraes, Sergio Herrero; Gonçalves, Marcelo; Tanomaru Filho, Mário; Bonetti Filho, Idomeo

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 ·  Bond strength of resin cements to leucite-reinforced ceramics
Garcia, Rubens Nazareno; Nascimento, Reinaldo Francisco do; Gomes, Ana Cristina Rocha; Giannini, Marcelo; Miguel, Luiz Carlos Machado; Moon, Peter Clayton

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 ·  Angina bullosa hemorrhagica: a rare condition?
Rosa, Adrine Maciel da; Pappen, Fernanda Geraldo; Gomes, Ana Paula Neutzling

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 ·  Tobacco cessation: what role can dental professionals play?
Mehta, Abhishek; Kaur, Gurkiran

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 Case Report Articles
 ·  Erupted odontomas: a report of two unusual cases
Patil, Santosh; Rahman, Farzan; Tipu, Shoaib R.; Kaswan, Sumita

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 ·  An unusual case of oral leiomyoma mimicking a gingival epulis
Kaur, Gurukiran; Carnelio, Sunitha; Rodrigues, Gabriel

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 ·  Surgical approach and the use of cryotherapy in a keratocystic odontogenic tumor after 12 months of decompression
Pereira, Claudio Maranhão; Carneiro, Danilo Santos; Arcanjo, Renan Correia; Silva Filho, Mauro; Silva, Flávio Augusto Cardoso da; Silva, Alberto Ferreira da

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 ·  Surgical approach and the use of cryotherapy in a keratocystic odontogenic tumor after 12 months of decompression
Fontana, Carlos Eduardo; Ibanéz, Carolina Davoli Macedo; Davini, Felipe; Martin, Alexandre Sigrist De; Silveira, Cláudia Fernandes de Magalhães; Rocha, Daniel Guimarães Pedro; Bueno, Carlos Eduardo da Silveira

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