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RSBO (Online)
versão On-line ISSN 1984-5685


RSBO (Online) vol.11 no.4 Joinville Out./Dez. 2014

 Original Research Article
 ·  Analysis of the effect of ultrasonic agitation on the cleaning of root canals using different periods during the final irrigation
Xavier, Felipe; Nevares, Giselle; Albuquerque, Diana Santana de; Gominho, Luciana Ferraz; Dellazari, Rafaela Leal de Alcântara; Cunha, Rodrigo Sanches; Rosa, Joedy Maria Costa Santa

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 ·  Platelet-leukocyte-rich plasma (L-PRP) prevents the collagen III degradation and impairs the bone matrix development in artificial defect of rabbit calvaria, associated with suppression of the immunohistochemical expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9
Garcia, Anselmo Gabriel Wruck; Scariot, Rafaela; Araujo, Melissa Rodrigues de; Cunha, Emanuelle Juliana; Henn, Jaqueline Muller; Grossi, João Ricardo de Almeida; Deliberador, Tatiana Miranda; Zielak, João Cesar; Giovanini, Allan Fernando

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 ·  In vitro analysis of microbial contamination of paper points
Lins, Renata Ximenes; Marques Junior, Fanor; Teixeira, João Marcelo da Silva; Amaral, Georgiana; Sassone, Luciana Moura

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 ·  Evaluation of four gutta-percha removal techniques for endodontic retreatment
Medeiros, Janaína Barros Alves; Gabardo, Marilisa Carneiro Leão; Moraes, Sergio Herrero; Faria, Maria Isabel Anastácio

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 ·  Influence of the gutta-percha taper and finger spreader on lateral condensation effectiveness
Trindade-Junior, Adinael; Guerreiro-Tanomaru, Juliane Maria; Viapiana, Raqueli; Reis, José Mauricio Santos Nunes; Tanomaru-Filho, Mario

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 ·  Evaluation of correlation among sleep bruxism and depression levels, chronic pain and nonspecific physical symptoms according to axis II of the Research Diagnostic Criteria/Temporomandibular disorders
Dias, Isabela Maddalena; Maia, Ingrid Duque; Mello, Lívia Marins Ramalho de; Leite, Isabel Cristina Gonçalves; Leite, Fabíola Pessôa Pereira

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 ·  In vitro reduction of Streptococcus mutans biofilm on silver nanoparticle-modified composite resin
Neves, Patrícia Bolzan Agnelli das; Souza, Clovis Wesley Oliveira de; Pizzolitto, Elisabeth Loshchagin

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 ·  Filling analysis of artificial lateral canals after main canal obturation through three different endodontic sealers
Melo, Tiago André Fontoura de; Nunes, Denise Pereira; Modaffar Al-Alam, Fernanda de Carvalho; Salles, Alexandre Azevedo; Soares, Renata Grazziotin

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 ·  Access and use of secondary dental care of a large city of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Schirmer, Caroline; Lamas, Alex Elias; Faustino-Silva, Daniel Demétrio

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 ·  Accuracy evaluation of three electronic apex locators in teeth with immature apices
Guimarães, Bruno Martini; Vitoriano, Marcelo de Morais; Maniglia-Ferreira, Claudio; Almeida-Gomes, Fabio de; Marciano, Marina Angélica; Bramante, Clovis Monteiro; Duarte, Marco Antonio Hungaro

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 ·  Influence of the powder/liquid ratio and storage time of conventional glass ionomer cements in diametral tensile strength
Silva, Tamiris Carolina da; Santos, Camila Rodrigues dos; Fonseca, Rodrigo Borges; Barata, Terezinha Jesus Esteves

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 Literature Review Article
 ·  Localized aggressive periodontitis - clinical, radiographic, microbiological and immunological findings
Ferreira, Danielly Cunha Araújo; Aguiar, Soraia Monique Fiorati; Nelson-Filho, Paulo; Queiroz, Alexandra Mussolino de; Rossi, Andiara De

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 Case Report Article
 ·  Intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the mandible - a rare case report
Sankireddy, Shailaja; Kaushik, Atul; Vijaychander, Vinod; gannepalli, Asha Latha; Ayinampudi, Bhargavi Krishna; Koduri, Sridevi

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 ·  Multiple fourth molars: surgical treatment in young patient 
Delgado, Franciele Elias; Youssef, Alan Diego Mtanyous; Jonasson, Tiago; Landucci, Alex; Ulbrich, Lucienne Miranda; Araujo, Melissa Rodrigues de

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 ·  Endodontic surgery with simultaneous root canal filling: case report
Orosco, Fernando Accorsi; Pereira, Lúcia Coelho Garcia; Endo, Monica Misaé; Rangel, Ralph Angeli; Bramante, Alexandre Silva; Bramante, Clóvis Monteiro

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 ·  Ultra-thin porcelain laminates to restore esthetics of anterior teeth: case report
Bizio, André Luíz; Nascimento, Gabriel Elias; Faria, Natália Spadini de; Colucci, Vivian; Hartmann, Mateus Silveira Martins; Messias, Danielle Cristine

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