ISSN 1806-7727 printed version
ISSN 1984-5685 online version



Scope and Policy

1 - General rules

1.1 - The South Brazilian Dentistry Journal is published quarterly, with articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English.

1.2 - The articles sent for publication should be original, and therefore the submission of the same study in any other periodical (by printed and/or electronic means) is not allowed. The RSBO journal will have copyrights reserved for the published article, in Portuguese, Spanish or English, and its reproduction or transcription is allowed upon the proper citation of the source.

1.3 - Studies involving human beings and animals, including isolated organs (teeth) and/or tissues, as well as clinical charts or clinical test results, should be in accordance with the resolutions of the original country and they should be submitted to the Ethics Committee of the institution where the study was developed. In "Material and Methods", it is necessary to state a sentence asserting the Ethics Committee approval. If deemed necessary, the editor may request a copy of the Ethics Committee approval.

1.4 - Articles should be sent by e-mail to the editor of the journal in two Word files along with the color images in separate JPG or TIFF files, which should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Images should be also in the text followed by their captions. It is recommended that authors send the article again in case they do not receive any answer within 10 days maximum.

1.5 - Authors should sign an Article Submission Letter to RSBO, that is, a document introducing the article (with the title and authors of the article). This same letter must also sate that the authors assume responsibility for the content and originality of the article and that they transfer the copyrights to the journal in case the article is accepted. The letter must be signed preferably by every author, then scanned (JPG format) and sent by e-mail along with the article. A copy of this letter is available in the journal's site. Articles sent without the submission letter will be immediately returned.

1.6 - After receiving the papers, the editor will make a first revision, and in case of approval the articles will be sent (without the identification of the authors) to scientific reviewers for appreciation. This evaluation will be a peer blind review and it determines the acceptance of the article. The request for corrections and/or suggestions will not indicate the acceptance of the article, but only the possibility of a new analysis by the reviewers.

1.7 - The RSBO journal supports the policies for clinical trials registration of World Health Organization (WHO) and of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), thus recognizing the importance of these initiatives for registration and international dissemination of information on clinical studies, in open access. Therefore, only articles of clinical trials that have received a registration number in one of the Registers of Clinical Trials validated by the criteria established by WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available in the ICMJE's site, will be accepted for publication. The registration number should be included at the end of the abstract.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

2 - Presentation of the articles

2.1 - Articles should be on A4 paper size, 12 point font size, Times New Roman, double-spaced, with right and left margins of 3 cm, top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm, and a maximum of 20 (twenty) pages (including images), with 25 (twenty-five) lines each. Manuscripts should be typed (Microsoft Word 6.0 or higher version).

2.2 - Tables and charts should be numbered with Roman numerals and introduced by a short and objective presentation, thus providing a good understanding of the study, and they should be included within the text of the article (they should not be sent in separate files).

2.3 - Figures and graphs should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and images should be sent in separate JPG or TIFF files, in black and white or color (minimum resolution of 300 dpi). The publication of color images will depend on the publication availability, and priority will be defined by editors. Figures, graphs and captions should be included within the text of the article as well.

2.4 - The page number should appear on the bottom right corner, except for the cover page.

3 - Structure of the article - 'Identification of the article' file

Title page

  • Title of the article: in Portuguese and English - 14 point font size, capital letters.
  • Name of the author(s): full name followed by superscript numbers indicating affiliations of authors.
  • Complete mailing address of the main author for correspondence, which Must include the e-mail.
  • Each name must be written in the top left corner, one after the other, and affiliations must appear after the complete list of names. Do not include the qualifications of the authors, but indicate only the department, complete name of institution, city, state, country.


Luiz Fernando Fariniuk1
Tatiana Deliberador2

1- Department of Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
2- Department of Dentistry, Positivo University, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

3.1 - Structure of the article - 'Article' File

  • Title of the article: in Portuguese and English - 14 point font size, capital letters.
  • Abstract: In a single paragraph it must summarize what was done in the following items: Introduction, Objective, Material and methods (case report or literature review), Results and Conclusion.
  • Keywords: 3 expressions that identify the content of the article. The DeCs (Health Sciences Descriptors) should be considered to do so, available at Bireme's site:
  • Articles in English do not need title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese.
  • Articles in Spanish need to present title, abstract and keywords in English.
  • The following items must appear: introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion and references.
  • Names of registered medicines and materials, as well as commercial products, must appear in parentheses only once (at the first time) after being reported.
  • References:
    Pay careful attention to this item, since the articles will be returned in case the references are not according to the rules.
  • References must be listed in alphabetical order of names, with lowercase letters, in ascending order.
  • When indicating the references within the text, the number of the list of references must be put in brackets (the name of the authors and date of publication may be added). In case there are two authors, both should be quoted by using the conjunction "and".
  • With regards to the list of references, if there are more than six (6) authors the name of the first six authors must be quoted followed by et al.
  • When citing journals in the references, they should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus, available at In case of national journals, Bireme's site must be considered for this search:
  • Periodicals:
    Wilcox LR. Thermafill retreatment with and without chloroform solvent. J Endod. 1993 Feb;19(4):563-6.
    Wilcox LR, Juhlin JJ. Endodontic retreatment of Thermafill versus laterally condensed gutta-percha. J Endod. 1994 Jul;20(6):115-7.
    Baratto Filho F, Ferreira EL, Fariniuk LF. Efficiency of the 0.04 taper ProFile during the re-treatment of gutta-percha-filled root canals. Int Endod J. 2002 Ago;35(8):651-4.
  • Books:
    Soares IJ, Goldberg F. Endodontia técnica e fundamentos. 1. ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2001. p. 201-5.
  • Articles from the internet:
    Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan-Mar [cited 1996 Jun 5]; 1(1): [24 screens]. Available from: URL:

Quotes to abstracts, chapters of books, articles in press, dissertations and thesis will not be accepted anymore.


Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be sent to the editor of the journal along with the Article Submission Letter to RSBO. They should be sent by e-mail, and the article must be divided into two Word files, one for the title and authors and another for the article itself, with the title again, plus the abstract and other parts of the article (that is, the complete article without identification of the authors). They should be sent to:


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